Hau-Hau / firefox-tab-suspender

A Firefox extension that automatic suspend tabs and saves memory
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Ignores playing audio and time to suspend #54

Closed notacompletemoron closed 4 years ago

notacompletemoron commented 4 years ago

Firefox 71.0 and Tab Suspender 3.5.2

I frequently watch Factorio streams on Twitch, and the broadcasters usually go quiet long enough for the tab to register no sound. If I am in another tab, and the sound doesn't always go away, the tab gets suspended immediately.

It's ignoring the 300 second timeout, on top of ignoring audio output.

Hau-Hau commented 4 years ago

Hello! Currently I'm working on bug fixes.

Edit: New version is released (3.6.0). This bug should't be problem anymore.

Best regards, Michalewicz Piotr