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[FR]: Add NetworkInterceptor #8

Open jschenke488 opened 11 months ago

jschenke488 commented 11 months ago

What should the feature be?

Due to Fractureiser, SkyRage, etc. we need some way to block outgoing requests to untrusted domains

If applicable, what are some existing implementations?


# NetworkInterceptor configuration
# originally made with <3 by Luck
# Updated and maintained by drives_a_ford and SlimeDog

# Design: SlimeDog
# Implementation: drives_a_ford
# Testing: SlimeDog
# Supported MC versions:
# https://github.com/SlimeDog/NetworkInterceptor/wiki/Technical-Details
# Default configuration:
# https://github.com/SlimeDog/NetworkInterceptor/blob/master/src/main/resources/config.yml

# ========== METHODS ===============================================================================
# Network requests may be detected by either or both of the following methods.
# security-manager:
# * Installs a custom SecurityManager into the server
# * Will intercept all outgoing network requests
# * May be incompatible with other plugins which install a security manager
# * In particular, note that AAC disables itself if the security-manager method is enabled.
# proxy-selector:
# * Installs a custom ProxySelector into the server
# * Will intercept most outgoing HTTP requests
# * Will not catch requests which specifically define their proxy
# * Should not be incompatible with anything
# Both methods may be enabled, and are recommended.
  - security-manager
  - proxy-selector

# ========== CHECK FOR UPDATES =====================================================================
# If you do not want notification of available updates in the console log, you may disable it here.
check-for-updates: true
# Update source may be either Hangar (default) or SpigotMC.
update-source: Hangar

# ========== BSTATS METRICS ========================================================================
enable-metrics: true

# ========== PROCESSING MODE =======================================================================
# Processing mode is allow or deny
# In allow mode, outbound network connections to specified targets will be allowed.
# In deny mode, outbound network connections to specified targets will be denied (blocked).
# In either mode, trusted plugins may be specified.
mode: allow

# ========== LOGGING ===============================================================================
# Enable/disable logging of outbound network connections.
# Enable/disable stack traces for each connection attempt.
# Stack traces will always be included in the file output.
# Connection requests may be logged to the console
# or to plugins/NetworkInterceptor/intercept.log
# Options are
#   - console
#   - file
#   - all
  enabled: true
  include-traces: false
  mode: file
  truncate-file-on-start: true

# ========== BLOCKING ==============================================================================
# Enable/disable blocking.
# If blocking is disabled, logging will still occur unless disabled above.
  enabled: true

# ========== MAPPING ===============================================================================
# Configure whether fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) are mapped to their IP addresses
# This will allow calls to IP addresses that are the result of a call to a specific FQDN
# within a certain amount of time of the former.
  enabled: true
  # The time (in ms) within which IPs are allowed to pass as per their FQDN permissions
  timer: 1000

# ========== TRUSTED PLUGINS =======================================================================
# In allow mode, outbound network connections by these plugins will be allowed.
# In deny mode, outbound network connections by these plugins will be allowed,
# unless the target is explicitly blocked in the targets list.
# If LuckPerms is installed, we recommend listing it as a trusted plugin, to simplify configuration.
# Remove [] on the next line, and add the following line (without the # comment).
# - LuckPerms
trusted-plugins: []

# ========== BLOCKED PLUGINS =======================================================================
# No network connections by the listed plugin(s) will be allowed, period.
# Remove [] on the next line, and add the following line (without the # comment).
# - pluginName
blocked-plugins: []

# ========== TARGETS ===============================================================================
# A list of disallowed FQDNs and IP addresses
# Entries should be lowercase.
# In allow mode, outbound network connections to these targets will be allowed.
# In deny mode, outbound network connections to these targets will be blocked.
# A good place to start looking is the sample-allow-config.yml content.
# Then review the intercept log to discover more.
  # Mojang authentication
  - 'api.mojang.com'
  - 'sessionserver.mojang.com'
  - 'launcher.mojang.com'
  - 'launchermeta.mojang.com'

  # Update checking
  - 'api.papermc.io'
  - 'api.purpurmc.org'
  - 'hub.spigotmc.org'
  - 'hangar.papermc.io'
  - 'api.modrinth.com'
  - 'api.spiget.org'
  - 'api.spigotmc.org'
  - 'api.github.com'
  - 'gist.githubusercontent.com'
  - 'raw.githubusercontent.com'

  # Aikar timings
  - 'timings.aikar.co'
  - 'timings.spigotmc.org'

  # Metrics services
  - 'bstats.org'
  - 'mcstats.spigotmc.org'

  # SpigotMC library loader
  # For plugins that utilize the SpigotMC library loader
  # For example: LuckPerms, ntdLuckyBlock, TicketManager
  - 'repo.maven.apache.org'
  - ''
  - ''
  - ''
  - ''
  - ''
  - ''
  - ''

  # LuckPerms
  - 'bytebin.lucko.me'                  # pastebin
  - 'metadata.luckperms.net'            # dependencies
  - 'nexus.lucko.me'                    # dependencies

  # Spark
  - 'spark-usercontent.lucko.me'        # pastebin
jschenke488 commented 11 months ago

PebbleHost has a built-in anti-malware, but not everything will be detected. That's why I suggest using this to increase detection rates.