Haufe-Lexware / wicked.haufe.io

An API Management system based on Mashape Kong
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Support Multiple Kong Instances Using Wicked #163

Closed kbhuvanamohan closed 5 years ago

kbhuvanamohan commented 5 years ago


We have a scenario wherein there are two sets of applications - One in the On-Premises and other in the Cloud.

So, we want to approach this by setting up two independent Kong Gateway instances that are independently configured - not in a cluster catering to both

Please let us know if there is any option to implement this using a single wicked developer portal.

Also please share any insights how this kind of scenarios are handled in a typical wicked setup.

Thanks, Bhuvan.

DonMartin76 commented 5 years ago

Hi Bhuvan,

This is not a scenario which is currently supported by wicked. In this situation, I would recommend running a separate portal for both environments. You can use the same identity provider for the login, but you would not have one single instance of the API portal where you can see all client registrations.

Currently, there aren't any plans either to support this type of hybrid scenario, as it requires a lot of thought, duct tape and securing the communication to enable that type of communication on and off premises. It would either be difficult or insecure (or both), and it hasn't been a priority.


I think some of the "big players" have this type of feature, namely 3scale and IBM, if I recall correctly.

Best, Martin

kbhuvanamohan commented 5 years ago

Hi Martin,

Thanks for the response. Let me try to add more context to see if this can be accomplished.

We have the scenario of two separate Kong gateways within the same private network, each publishing different set of APIs, but we want to manage and publicize them from a single Wicked portal.

We are looking for options to leverage a single Wicked portal so that 1) The API developers should have the ability to select which API Kong Gateway to publish their APIs and 2) The Application Consumers can seamlessly subscribe to any of these APIs

This way, we can maintain a single portal that can act as a catalog for all the APIs available in the Enterprise.


kbhuvanamohan commented 4 years ago

@miguelpoyatosmora @karthiknaga87 Please help to provide additional information if needed and for your reference.