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Maintaining Pagination after leaving the page and returning #204

Open MibenCoop opened 5 years ago

MibenCoop commented 5 years ago

Overview When returning to a page [with pagination] the page needs to automatically return to the specific page within the set of pages displayed on the page. IE. If a user leaves the screen is on Page 3 and clicks the "back" button, the user should land back on Page 3, not Page 1.

Description Current Behavior: When a user is on a page with pagination [pagination greater than or equal to the second page, Page X] and moves away from that page via a link, and then returns to that same URL, the user is returned to Page 1 instead of Page X

Desired Behavior: When a user is on a page with pagination [pagination greater than or equal to the second page, Page X] and moves away from that page via a link, and then returns to that same URL, the user is returned to Page X.

Use Cases

DonMartin76 commented 5 years ago

@santokhsingh This is related to what you were referring to the other day with the use of the "back" button, isn't it? Can we use fragment parameters which we inject when clicking in the grid for example?

DonMartin76 commented 5 years ago

@santokhsingh @MibenCoop Was this already done? If so, it's in 1.0.0-rc.8.

santokhsingh commented 5 years ago

@DonMartin76 This is not done yet.

DonMartin76 commented 4 years ago

So, I just realized that just going back after clicking on a link and then just returning via the history "back" button works as you would expect - you are still on the same page. What is the actual use case here? Copy/pasting the URL, going somewhere else, and then coming back via a pasting the URL, and expecting that the correct page is still active?

DonMartin76 commented 4 years ago

The following approach should work in any case:

windows.location.hash = `page=${page},sort=${sort},filter=${filter}`;

Then in your HTML page, when it loads, you can retrieve the fragment by retrieving the same window.location.hash and parsing it, to prime the loading of the JSgrid with those parameters.