Haufe-Lexware / wicked.haufe.io

An API Management system based on Mashape Kong
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Cannot login inside the wicked portal with the initial user if the password is encrypted #303

Open fromanu opened 3 years ago

fromanu commented 3 years ago

We created a new environment (new wicked and kong databases inside postgres) and deployed wicked inside. There were no problems with the deployments, all wicked and kong pods are running without errors.

We tried then to login inside the wicked portal with the initial user (PORTAL_INITIALUSERS0) which has an encrypted password and the login is failing with the message "Username or password invalid." If the password is not encrypted there is no problem with the login. Also if I try to create a new user which also has an encrypted password there is no problem when logging in.

We are using wicked version 1.0.0-rc.14 and we are using Azure Database for PostgreSQL servee.