HausDAO / daohaus-monorepo-deprecated

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Update subgraphs and ui for latest contracts #1042

Closed skuhlmann closed 1 year ago

skuhlmann commented 1 year ago


New summoner factory w/ new event to track all summons


New vault factory


    function summonBaalFromReferrer(
        bytes calldata initializationParams,
        bytes[] calldata initializationActions,
        uint256 _saltNonce,
        bytes32 referrer

skuhlmann commented 1 year ago


This update will enable some new functionality we should talk about and prioritize getting into the admin and/or summon app:

skuhlmann commented 1 year ago

locked deployments

lootSingleton 0x0444AE984b9563C8480244693ED65F25B3C64a4E

sharesSingleton 0x8124Cbb807A7b64123F3dEc3EF64995d8B10d3Eb baalSingleton 0x17234C0Ae25AF09fAf57B9D5ea2B93C1f220E800

Factory Contract Address: 0x7e988A9db2F8597735fc68D21060Daed948a3e8C imp: 0x00BD22D2cE75422E7B16351F72524174672D5D64

Vault Factory Contract Address: 0x594E630efbe8dbd810c168e3878817a4094bB312 Vault imp: 0x882881c5A49A71C31B6956b06AF8C7a33AF1cdD6

skuhlmann commented 1 year ago

summon ui updates:

            string memory _name, /*_name Name for erc20 `shares` accounting, empty if token */
            string memory _symbol, /*_symbol Symbol for erc20 `shares` accounting, empty if token*/
            address _safeAddr, /*address of safe, 0 addr if new*/
            address _forwarder, /*Trusted forwarder address for meta-transactions (EIP 2771), 0 addr if initially disabled*/
            address _lootToken, /*predeployed loot token, 0 addr if new*/
            address _sharesToken /*predeployed shares token, 0 addr if new*/
        ) = abi.decode(initializationParams, (string, string, address, address, address, address));

use summonBaalFromReferrer function - we need to define a bytes32 value for our summoner

skuhlmann commented 1 year ago

for transfer txs:

/// @dev Allows a Module to execute a Safe transaction without any further confirmations.
/// @param to Destination address of module transaction.
/// @param value Ether value of module transaction.
/// @param data Data payload of module transaction.
/// @param operation Operation type of module transaction.
function execTransactionFromModule(
    address to,
    uint256 value,
    bytes memory data,
    Enum.Operation operation
) public virtual returns (bool success) {
    // Only whitelisted modules are allowed.
    require(msg.sender != SENTINEL_MODULES && modules[msg.sender] != address(0), "GS104");
    // Execute transaction without further confirmations.
    success = execute(to, value, data, operation, gasleft());
    if (success) emit ExecutionFromModuleSuccess(msg.sender);
    else emit ExecutionFromModuleFailure(msg.sender);
skuhlmann commented 1 year ago
