Over the last quarter we had many strong initiatives to map out processes around our internal DAO ops.
Much of this information is spread out across github, hackmd, discord and discourse.
It is valuable information and should be leveraged into an easy to access knowledge base. Things like: compensation track, buddy system, decision making processes, manifesto, rfp process, rituals, tutorials.
This would be part 1 of a larger initiative to a more polished user-oriented content portal
For example, in future iterations this can also be used as
A reference and starter repo for new daos.
All the core docs that DAOS need that are not about our software tools.
A template for new DAOs to create a starter/templated knowledge base
A place for daos to learn from each others successes and mistakes through their own contributions to the knowledge base
Colate documentation, research and development into a wiki/handbook this should include our research, experiments, surveys, tutorials, templates, checklists, governance and decision making processes.
An alpha web portal that gives easy access, discovery and navigation of this information.
A plan for a maintainer role to manage further issues, bounties, PRs, versioning and maintenance.
Expected Budget
Team 2k DAI
Team 600 HAUS
600 HAUS bounties
Expected Timeline
1 month starting July
Metrics on success (deliverables/OKRs)
DAOhaus ops Wiki, Knowledge base that is easy to reference and add too.
Process to add content and maintain
Submission Requirements
Team and Roles, monthly comp
Completion Date
Any current work or supporting links
DAO/Safe/Yeeter that will manage the funds
How does this fit into the short/medium/long term goals of the DAO?
Project overview
Over the last quarter we had many strong initiatives to map out processes around our internal DAO ops.
Much of this information is spread out across github, hackmd, discord and discourse.
It is valuable information and should be leveraged into an easy to access knowledge base. Things like: compensation track, buddy system, decision making processes, manifesto, rfp process, rituals, tutorials.
This would be part 1 of a larger initiative to a more polished user-oriented content portal
For example, in future iterations this can also be used as
Supporting Links
current wiki
Submitted by and contact
Expected Goals
Colate documentation, research and development into a wiki/handbook this should include our research, experiments, surveys, tutorials, templates, checklists, governance and decision making processes.
An alpha web portal that gives easy access, discovery and navigation of this information.
A plan for a maintainer role to manage further issues, bounties, PRs, versioning and maintenance.
Expected Budget
Team 2k DAI Team 600 HAUS 600 HAUS bounties
Expected Timeline
1 month starting July
Metrics on success (deliverables/OKRs)
Submission Requirements