Boiler(Chris) has been pushing the inititive with help of others. Every Grant application has had different people contibute. As this bid is different, in that payment to contributors is based on winning applications.
Researching appropriate grant applications.
Writing, editing and gaining consensus on applications
Organizing resources for applications (statistics, missions, publications etc)
It will be important to collaborate with teams to assess needs and where other funding opportunities may overlap. .
Budget is success based. The request is slighlty lower than previous ask, to make an even number, which is 8% of awarded grants to the team preparing the grant, up to a maximum equivelant of $10,000 USD. Each grant is treated akin to a Raid and funds would be divided amongst the contributors.
Receive address (Gnosis Chain)
This is a gnosis safe, just converted to a minion for this DAO recently spun up:
Grant Seekers DAO
on going
Goal will be to try fpr grants as long as it is required.
Project: #011
xLink Objectives: #0
Grant Seekers
Team members
Boiler(Chris) has been pushing the inititive with help of others. Every Grant application has had different people contibute. As this bid is different, in that payment to contributors is based on winning applications.
Objectives and Projects
OBJ003 Expand Our Current Funding
Key results and activities
Researching appropriate grant applications. Writing, editing and gaining consensus on applications Organizing resources for applications (statistics, missions, publications etc)
It will be important to collaborate with teams to assess needs and where other funding opportunities may overlap. .
Budget is success based. The request is slighlty lower than previous ask, to make an even number, which is 8% of awarded grants to the team preparing the grant, up to a maximum equivelant of $10,000 USD. Each grant is treated akin to a Raid and funds would be divided amongst the contributors.
Receive address (Gnosis Chain)
This is a gnosis safe, just converted to a minion for this DAO recently spun up: Grant Seekers DAO
on going
Goal will be to try fpr grants as long as it is required.
Supporting materials
Grants TAG DAOhaus Hackmd