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DAOstory, share how you arrived in the HAUS #10

Open burleebau opened 3 years ago

burleebau commented 3 years ago

Survey Qs

nickjrishwain commented 3 years ago

why did you stay in the discord after joining?

After joining the DAO, I stuck around out of interest for what was taking place in the DAO ecosystem. Having almost no knowledge about DAO's or crypto before joining, I was interested to listen to the HAUS parties and other conversations to really get a feel for how the Web3 community interacts and how DAO's are created and operated.

share with us your backstory to your arrival into DAOhaus

My back story is fairly benign. I come from a legal background and was introduced to DAOHaus by a member of LexDAO (my first entry into the DAO space). Being active in legal technology and startups, I had remained sort of blind to the crypto world as a result of the ICO craze several years ago. Willfully blind to the development taking place. When I realized I'd been maintaining a closed mind on all things crypto, I set out to change my behavior.

what does DAOing mean to you, how do you forsee using DAOhaus for your community?

For me, at this point, DAOing is a development community focused on building cool products. So DAOing, for me, is an innovative community of tech nerds and I'm here because of community. At present, I'm not sure I see a use case for using DAOhaus for my legaltech community. That is more a result of "where people are at" in my community. It doesn't have anything to do with DAOhaus or using DAOhaus.

do you have a vision for the future of DAOhaus?

I still feel so new to the space, despite the effort I'm putting into solidity and participation, that I haven't really spent time on a vision for the future. Probably, I'm more interested in contemporary use cases and being involved at present and finding out where the future takes us.

tommymaher15 commented 3 years ago

Survey Qs

why did you stay in the discord after joining?

I stayed so I could learn more about DOAs and the power it gives both to the people and the freedom. Truly exciting!

share with us your backstory to your arrival into DAOhaus

I'm a self taught frontend dev that dabbles in backend and looking to learn all aspects of web3 software development. Mostly contracted for companies of different sizes but blockchain was the reason I got into software. initally found it around 2017 and tried to start learning smart contracts after I had an idea for creating a decentralized workplace when I found some companies making crypto atm cards.

My skills weren't there to deliver on this but I got into tech shortly after december 2019 and began learning during this time and after a few months started working and learning.

Now, I'm looking to step away from web2 and work as much on web3 as I can. I'd like to contribute to projects and earn enough to support this and then support others.

what does DAOing mean to you, how do you forsee using DAOhaus for your community?

I'd like to use DAOhaus and build my own DAO once I learn more about the space. My idea is still in infancy but hoping to meet others who share my vision and we can work together to make it a reality! do you have a vision for the future of DAOhaus?

I guess I would have to speak with others has I feel my vision alone doesn't matter. collective thoughts and opinions on what it should be and could be seems more powerful to me and could inspire me or others has people share their thoughts and ideas.

sirgawain0x commented 3 years ago
Why did you stay in the discord after joining?

I stayed in the Discord because I am interested in finding the latest information about the community and how I can learn and contribute to its success more.

Share with us your backstory to your arrival into DAOhaus

My team initially had a DAO on Arweave but obtaining the blockchain token was expensive and hard to purchase. We were already building our application on Polygon, so we decided to look for DAOs on that network, where I discovered Daohaus was the perfect fit.

What does DAOing mean to you, how do you forsee using DAOhaus for your community?

I InVision many purposes for DAOs but for us, it's about incentivizing our contributors to the project.

Do you have a vision for the future of DAOhaus?

I InVision DAOhaus being an easy to set up DAO that can do anything with its extended plugin library and minions.

dolfandringa commented 3 years ago

why did you stay in the discord after joining?

The community is very welcoming. The school-haus track really kept me tied down. The patience and willingness to answer millions of questions of people like @dekanbro and @vanilladelphia.eth is really cool. There was clearly so much stuff to learn, which is what gets me going anyway.

Share with us your backstory to your arrival into DAOhaus

I have dabbled a tiny bit in crypto since <2015, but never seriously because the financial world of investments just for making money doesn't interest me too much. I loved the ideas behind crypto in general, just for me the applications I saw weren't overly interesting yet. But about a week ago, at the same time my boss expressed an interest in blockchain technology, and Wintergatan, a YT creator I follow with a very active community, expressed his interest in starting a DAO. So I dove in, and the social/governance implications, and promise of blockchain with smart contracts really got my blood flowing. A bankless video about the creator economy really got me hooked, and through some resources there, I ended up at DAOHaus.

what does DAOing mean to you, how do you forsee using DAOhaus for your community?

For me DAO's are interesting because of their decentralized nature, which really fits well with the changes in society towards global online communities. Communities, companies, organizations and governments have always had a kind of centralized structure, but as long as those groups stayed small and mostly geographically limited, that still created many small pyramids, so still kept the level of decentralization high. As those communities/companies/governments/etc grow in size and geographical reach, we tend to get fewer and fewer pyramids, which individually keep getting bigger and bigger. While before the distance between the bottom and top of each pyramid was relatively small, that is no longer the case. And as a result, the top fails to represent the interests of the bottom well, and people get disillusioned about the ability of the top to solve their problems. That is I think where DAO's offer a real advantage. And blockchain and smart contracts as a technology make those advantages an inherent/automatic part of the organization, instead of having to write documents full of rules and policies that then need to be enforced constantly. For the Wintergatan community, which is already a web2 native community, spanning the globe, centered around a single maker and content creator, I think that might be a natural fit. It would remove the bottleneck of the volunteers+Martin running a centralized organization, and allow the community to grow organically, and maybe even grow bigger then Martin's channel alone.

do you have a vision for the future of DAOhaus?

I think currently, DAO's are still limited to communities that are already web3 native. Adoption by people that aren't yet convinced about the uses of blockchain and may not understand them yet, is still limited. This makes sense in the early days in which we currently are, because we first need to figure it out for ourselves first. But the risk is that we get stuck in the loop of crypto people making tools for other crypto people to facilitate them to make tools for crypto people. You see this same cycle in new tech (IoT for instance) where there are many startups that make end-to-end development platforms, or generic platforms aimed at many verticals, hoping that companies in those verticals will pay for them and make "real world" products with them. Many of those startups don't survive. The challenge is to bridge the gap from the web3 native world to the web2 world. How can we solve the barriers to entry, and show people what DAO's are, and why blockchain isn't an evil technology, but just a tool that enables really cool solutions for real world problems. This requires both an understanding of those communities, and communication and tools that show people what problems DAO's and blockchain solve, without requiring any prior knowledge about crypto currencies, tokens, exchanges, DeFi, encryption, investment, etc. If DAOHaus can bridge that gap somehow, the possibilities are endless.

ApeironCreations commented 3 years ago

Why did you stay in the discord after joining?

because I see endless potential in the Blockchain space specifically as revolves around Complexity Community and the Development of totally NEW systems of Value Creation.

Share with us your backstory to your arrival into DAOhaus

I came to DAOHaus a fairly Long time ago in Crypto time maybe a year or two back, I was seeking through the history of Formation of the MetaGame DAO and came across MolochDAO, which eventually led me down the rabbit hole to where DaoHaus sits now.

I came in because of a seeking through the P2P spurred on by Micheal Bauwens, then HoloChain and Holocracy. and what led me to the p2p space was my engagement with Passive Home technology and Permaculture. I'm honestly just a poor "redneck" from Georgia who has always hated the Over Culture of Power over Providance... And because I never saw a legitimate "Work" culture that would ever help me escape the 110% velocity of money for just trying to live... I sought out alternatives to become a Passively living creature, through smart home design, smart land design, and Connectivity to the community.

Which all lead me to the p2p space and then BlockchainTech, or DLT, and then to the Crispy edge of that technology we see you... DAOS...

What does DAOing mean to you, how do you forsee using DAOhaus for your community?

DAO'ing to me, Means finding a culture of growth you agree and align with and are willing to put the work in to see results. DAO'ing to me... Is fixing the culture of "Money" by putting Values Creation in the hands of the people that make "Money" work.

do you have a vision for the future of DAOhaus?

I don't think my "Individual" vision is important to the future of DAOhaus... What we imagine together is what we create. I hope to imagine alongside you all, is a future where our Power lies in our connectivity and that Connectivity will be what leads us to all the magical solutions we've been denied by power infrastructure that doesn't necessarily make sense...

kevinyc-dri commented 3 years ago

I want to learn more about the DAO, web3, and solidity and be able to contribute. I have a passion for crypto and run my own node.

I am fairly new to tech and I want to be in the space of crypto. I've been an E-Commerce business owner for over 10 years and made a pivot into programming. I started being a crypto enthusiast in 2017. I am a recent Full Stack Developer and a certified SCRUM Master. I've been networking and someone mentioned about RG to get more involved in crypto.

DAOing means creating new ways to learn in a non-traditional way and being able to create opportunities in a non-traditional way.

The future of DAOhaus will be continuing to be a strong and supportive community and offering opportunities for education and a pathway to financial freedom to current and future DAOs.

boilerrat commented 3 years ago

Why did you stay in the discord after joining?

There was a lot to learn about DAOs and every question that I had, so far, has been quickly answered by the team. It was that sort of interaction that made me realize that there was “something” here.

Share with us your backstory to your arrival into DAOhaus

I spent a lot of time in the defi world and then later became quite involved in NFTs. I had been searching for sometime to find solutions into combining those two worlds. There has been a real problem on maintaining liquidity among participants in NFTs. Sometimes people get lucky and are able to flip quickly, however if unable to do so the NFT remains an iliquid investment.

The other big issue I have in the current state of crypto is the promise of decentralization has not been fulfilled. NFT projects that centre around a creator or defi projects, with small teams of anonymous developers who do not take any responsibility when their protocols suffer huge losses due to exploits in bad programming.

So to come across something like DAOhaus is very refreshing and exciting to me as much of the promises of decentralization can be fulfilled within this system.

What does DAOing mean to you? How do you foresee using DAOhaus for your community?

It’s democracy for the people involved. In a way it is a microcosm for how the world could be governed. It gives power to the people to engage in the economies of their choosing. I see DAOhaus as being something my community, NFTs and Defi, can use to explore growth opportunities of their choosing. No longer is a minimum investment of $100,000 just to have the privledge of being in a Wall Street hedge fund. Much of what these hedge fund managers do, can simply be done with smart contracts that anyone can participate in. I find it very exciting that NFTs will be able to be used as trade for ownership shares in a DAO. Where somebody can trade their skills, even if they don’t have money, can still participate.

Donyou have a vision for the future of DAOhaus?

I can only see it getting bigger really. As more people realize what a DAO can do, more and more will catch on.

ngerald51 commented 3 years ago

Why did you stay in the discord after joining?

There was a lot to learn about various DAOs and i see this as the future model of freelance/gig work with the possibility of working from anywhere in the world.

Share with us your backstory to your arrival into DAOhaus

Came from the FINTECH background and learned about crypto since 2017 at work. And decided to stayed in this nascent space ever since, I have explored ICO-DEFI-NFT and am currently exploring the idea of making a living/ working through DAOs. I find the current global corporate work and coordination in the world ridiculously hierarchal, uncoordinated, unequal and wasteful. It only benefits the handful of staff at the top, not to mention the delays and incoordination that goes around larger organizations. As such the trickle down benefits that reaches the man on the ground are just insufficient causing this greater gap inequality.

I came across DAOhaus via one of the Raidguild Season two task and i find DAOHaus rather refreshing and exciting with alot of cool and interesting people with common goals and unique skillset.

What does DAOing mean to you? How do you foresee using DAOhaus for your community?

A democratic cause that allows individuals to live in a microcosm, and goverened by set of that community rules that he/she can identify with.It brings power back to the individual to engage in the economies of their choosing.

DAOhaus is a fair community where admission is not only about monetary contributions. Its a place online where individuals can trade their skills, and learn from one another. In my opinion DAOHAUS is a community that focus on collaboration, cross ecosystem coordination and lifting up those around it. Its gives equal opportunities to both workers and investors as one can either trade their skills or can contribute monetarily.

Do you have a vision for the future of DAOhaus?

As more people catch on to it. It can form the backbone of the GIG economy. A famous quote that i recalled "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together".

cashslingingslasher commented 3 years ago

why did you stay in the discord after joining?

I'm looking for a team of non-technical hustlers who want to push this space forward. The potential for DAOs to make our lives better is huge. DAOhaus was created by big names and it has a strong community.

share with us your backstory to your arrival into DAOhaus

I read an article by "coopahtroopa" that lead me to an article by "James Waugh" that lead me to DAOhaus. I learned about DAOs from a tweet 2 months ago and it sent me down the rabbit hole.

what does DAOing mean to you, how do you forsee using DAOhaus for your community?

DAOing is a way to organize people and capital to meet a shared goal where the hierarchy is determined by those who provide the most value and every member gets a vote and has a voice. I see myself using DAOhaus to meet people and learn more about this space

do you have a vision for the future of DAOhaus?

DAOhaus will become the largest marketplace for nontechnical hustlers to share their skills

JafCR commented 2 years ago

why did you stay in the discord after joining?

After joining the discord I realized a few big differences compared to many other DAO discords that I've joined in the past:

Veni. Vidi. Amavi.

share with us your backstory to your arrival into DAOhaus

I've been learning (or trying :) ) about DAOs for quite some time, and ran into the How To DAO material. I started going through it and found it amazingly well structured and touching on many topics that resonated with me. The entire thing was reinforced to me after I started participating in Kernel Block 4 and focused mostly on the DAO track. Kei from Gnosis shared an awesome presentation that lead me to DAOHaus one more time. And finally, I am part of EPNS - a protocol for blockchain based notifications - and I spoke with the RabbitHole team about implementing notifications for them, but the conversation also led me to DAOHaus :)

what does DAOing mean to you, how do you forsee using DAOhaus for your community?

As someone has has been in clubs and teams my entire life, DAOing brings something that every club/team knows it can be done better but the tooling was not there yet. DAOing brings clarity and facilitates coordinating towards achieving goals, but the part the I love the most --> the sense of collective ownership that it brings to the participants. I see myself continue being an active member of DAOHaus to continue learning more about DAOs in general, become an active member, and hopefully apply all learnings to a project I'm just starting.

do you have a vision for the future of DAOhaus?

I see DAOHaus becoming a reference in the space for DAO related topics and a hub for education

BorrowLucid commented 2 years ago

When I describe what I'm doing to friends and family, I just say co-op. This is easier for people to understand. Although, I feel like DAOs have better tools than traditional co-ops, at least for web based communities.

Ideally, I will continue to contribute to multiple DAOs. Being part of the DAOHaus community would feel like a transportation hub, where many lines connect. Working from inside this hub would help me to attune to how I may serve and where the party’s at.

There are probably many visions, it’s quite an undertaking. For me though, DAOHaus as an usher could be a great time and very impactful, helping visitors and DAOist orient themselves and discover where their next enjoyment might be.

Husain01 commented 2 years ago
  1. Why did you stay in the discord after joining? I joined this DAO with the goal of contributing in this DAO and helping and learning in the process. Though I'm quite new to the DAO space this DAO was easy to go through and understand. The vision is clear and hence I'm staying.
  2. Share with us your backstory to your arrival into DAOhaus I arrived to DAOHaus after bumping and jumping many DAO's, learning about what DAO's actually are and what's the purpose of it. Got into many Discord servers of many DAO's to contribute and get a feel of how it all works.
  3. What does DAOing mean to you, how do you forsee using DAOhaus for your community? DAO as I understand it is a community which solves problem either one at a time (usually a big one) or a few at a time (usually smaller ones). It's basically like a freelancing group. (Talking about the service DAO's here)
  4. Do you have a vision for the future of DAOhaus?
  5. Might be quite early to say as I am new to this subject but maybe DAOHaus could be like a cool VC Firm or an incubator which has tied up with other awesome DAO's over a period of time and made a community of DAOs.
oneclutteredmind commented 2 years ago