HaveAGitGat / Tdarr

Tdarr - Distributed transcode automation using FFmpeg/HandBrake + Audio/Video library analytics + video health checking (Windows, macOS, Linux & Docker)
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Impossible to convert between the formats supported by the filter 'Parsed_null_0' and the filter 'auto_scale_0' #961

Closed flybrys closed 3 weeks ago

flybrys commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug Some of my video files fail near the end of the transcode with "Impossible to convert between the formats supported by the filter 'Parsed_null_0' and the filter 'auto_scale_0'". This tends to happen around the 90ish % mark of the transcode on about 5% of my content.

To Reproduce Use the "Boosh-Transcode using QSV GPU & FFMPEG" plug-in for QSV transcoding.

Expected behavior I expect the transcode to complete successfully like the majority of my other files

Please provide the following information:

-Worker error [can be found on the 'Tdarr' tab by pressing the 'i' button on a failed item in the staged file section or in the transcode error section at the bottom] Not sure what this is asking for sorry.

Additional context CPU is i7-13700 (non-k) I have had a look for similar issues but couldn't see anything directly similar. I could try deleting and redownloading these files however I'd prefer to make sure my set up is correct before doing so. I am still using the classic plug-in stack

Boosh1 commented 3 months ago

Possible this is in the wrong place but spotted it. There's a new version awaiting approval here - https://github.com/HaveAGitGat/Tdarr_Plugins/pull/584 Feel free to grab it and see if it works for you.

flybrys commented 3 months ago

@Boosh1 You're right, I didn't realise the plug-ins were in a separate repo. Let me know if I should close this and re-open in the plug-ins repo.

Not sure if it's the correct way to do it, but I copied and pasted the raw new code to replace the local copy of the plug-in and ran it again.

Very strange - The transcode runs and finishes, but still ends back in Error/Failed. However this time, all the Job Report History is deleted except for a health check which runs after the failure.

HaveAGitGat commented 3 weeks ago

Closing as boosh changes were merged last month.