New Plugin Extract Subtitles to SRT including forced subtitles
Drppepershaker has a plugin that does nearly all of this but it only gets one SUB of each language. I offered him the code to update his plugin but he declined as he does not contribute to the project anymore
I have recoded to accommodate forced sub as well. Has been tested for months,
I am requesting this plugin be added
// tdarrSkipTest
const details = () => ({
id: 'Tdarr_Plugin_Extract_SRT_Subs',
Stage: 'Pre-processing',
Name: 'tws101_SRT_Subtitle_Extractor',
Type: 'Video',
Operation: 'Transcode',
Description: 'This plugin extracts embedded srt and forced srt subs in one pass inside Tdarr and will optionally remove them. \n\n '
+ 'The subs are placed in the original folder, not the cache folder or a seperate output folder.'
+ 'Commentary and decriptive are skipped. The first stream of each language and the first forced stream of each language are extracted.',
// Updated by tws101 as drpeppershaker no longer maintains his
// Based on drpeppershaker with help from reddit user /u/jakejones48, lots of
// improvements made after looking at "Tdarr_Plugin_078d" by HaveAGitGat.
Version: '1.04',
Tags: 'pre-processing,subtitle only,ffmpeg,configurable',
Inputs: [
name: 'remove_subs',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: 'no',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
tooltip: `Do you want to remove subtitles after they are extracted?
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const plugin = (file, librarySettings, inputs, otherArguments) => {
const lib = require('../methods/lib')(); const fs = require('fs');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars,no-param-reassign
inputs = lib.loadDefaultValues(inputs, details);
// Must return this object at some point in the function else plugin will fail.
const response = {
processFile: true,
preset: '',
container: `.${file.container}`,
handBrakeMode: false,
FFmpegMode: true,
reQueueAfter: false,
infoLog: '',
if (inputs.remove_subs === undefined) {
response.processFile = false;
response.infoLog += '☒ Inputs not entered! \n';
return response;
const subsArr = file.ffProbeData.streams.filter((row) => row.codec_name === 'subrip');
if (subsArr.length === 0) {
response.infoLog += 'No subs in file to extract!\n';
response.processFile = false;
return response;
response.infoLog += 'Found subs to extract!\n';
let command = '-y <io>';
for (let i = 0; i < subsArr.length; i += 1) {
const subStream = subsArr[i];
let lang = '';
let title = 'none';
if (subStream && subStream.tags && subStream.tags.language) {
lang = subStream.tags.language;
if (subStream && subStream.tags && subStream.tags.title) {
title = subStream.tags.title;
const { originalLibraryFile } = otherArguments;
let subsFile = '';
// for Tdarr V2 (2.00.05+)
if (originalLibraryFile && originalLibraryFile.file) {
subsFile = originalLibraryFile.file;
} else {
// for Tdarr V1
subsFile = file.file;
if (typeof title === 'string'
&& title.toLowerCase().includes('forced')) {
subsFile = subsFile.split('.');
subsFile[subsFile.length - 2] += `.forced.${lang}`;
subsFile[subsFile.length - 1] = 'srt';
subsFile = subsFile.join('.');
} else {
subsFile = subsFile.split('.');
subsFile[subsFile.length - 2] += `.${lang}`;
subsFile[subsFile.length - 1] = 'srt';
subsFile = subsFile.join('.');
const { index } = subStream;
if (fs.existsSync(`${subsFile}`)) {
response.infoLog += `${lang}.srt already exists. Skipping!\n`;
} else if (typeof title === 'string'
&& (title.toLowerCase().includes('commentary')
|| title.toLowerCase().includes('description'))) {
response.infoLog += `Stream ${i} ${lang}.srt is a ${title} track. Skipping!\n`;
} else {
response.infoLog += `Extracting ${lang}.srt\n`;
command += ` -map 0:${index} "${subsFile}"`;
if (command === '-y <io>') {
response.infoLog += 'All subs already extracted!\n';
if (inputs.remove_subs === 'no') {
response.processFile = false;
return response;
response.preset = command;
if (inputs.remove_subs === 'yes') {
response.preset += ' -map 0 -map -0:s -c copy';
if (inputs.remove_subs === 'no') {
response.preset += ' -map 0 -c copy';
return response;
module.exports.details = details;
module.exports.plugin = plugin;
New Plugin Extract Subtitles to SRT including forced subtitles
Drppepershaker has a plugin that does nearly all of this but it only gets one SUB of each language. I offered him the code to update his plugin but he declined as he does not contribute to the project anymore
I have recoded to accommodate forced sub as well. Has been tested for months,
I am requesting this plugin be added