Open tempaone opened 9 months ago
I copied the flow to be a local one and edited it with the following with the help of ChatGPT
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.plugin = exports.details = void 0;
var fileUtils_1 = require("../../../../FlowHelpers/1.0.0/fileUtils");
/* eslint no-plusplus: ["error", { "allowForLoopAfterthoughts": true }] */
var details = function () { return ({
name: 'Ensure Audio Stream',
description: 'Ensure that the file has an audio stream with set codec and channel count',
style: {
borderColor: '#6efefc',
tags: 'video',
isStartPlugin: false,
pType: '',
requiresVersion: '2.11.01',
sidebarPosition: -1,
icon: '',
inputs: [
label: 'Audio Encoder',
name: 'audioEncoder',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: 'aac',
inputUI: {
type: 'dropdown',
options: [
tooltip: 'Enter the desired audio codec',
label: 'Language',
name: 'language',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: 'en',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
tooltip: 'Tdarr will check to see if the stream language tag includes the tag you specify.'
+ ' Case-insensitive. One tag only',
label: 'Channels',
name: 'channels',
type: 'number',
defaultValue: '2',
inputUI: {
type: 'dropdown',
options: [
tooltip: 'Enter the desired number of channels',
label: 'Track Name',
name: 'trackName',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: 'AAC Stereo',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
tooltip: 'Enter the desired name for the audio track',
label: 'Enable Bitrate',
name: 'enableBitrate',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: 'false',
inputUI: {
type: 'switch',
tooltip: 'Toggle whether to enable setting audio bitrate',
label: 'Bitrate',
name: 'bitrate',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '128k',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
displayConditions: {
logic: 'AND',
sets: [
logic: 'AND',
inputs: [
name: 'enableBitrate',
value: 'true',
condition: '===',
tooltip: 'Specify the audio bitrate for newly added channels',
label: 'Enable Samplerate',
name: 'enableSamplerate',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: 'false',
inputUI: {
type: 'switch',
tooltip: 'Toggle whether to enable setting audio samplerate',
label: 'Samplerate',
name: 'samplerate',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '48k',
inputUI: {
type: 'text',
displayConditions: {
logic: 'AND',
sets: [
logic: 'AND',
inputs: [
name: 'enableSamplerate',
value: 'true',
condition: '===',
tooltip: 'Specify the audio samplerate for newly added channels',
outputs: [
number: 1,
tooltip: 'Continue to next plugin',
}); };
exports.details = details;
var getHighest = function (first, second) {
// @ts-expect-error channels
if ((first === null || first === void 0 ? void 0 : first.channels) > (second === null || second === void 0 ? void 0 : second.channels)) {
return first;
return second;
var attemptMakeStream = function (_a) {
var args = _a.args, langTag = _a.langTag, streams = _a.streams, audioCodec = _a.audioCodec, audioEncoder = _a.audioEncoder, wantedChannelCount = _a.wantedChannelCount, trackName = _a.trackName;
var enableBitrate = Boolean(args.inputs.enableBitrate);
var bitrate = String(args.inputs.bitrate);
var enableSamplerate = Boolean(args.inputs.enableSamplerate);
var samplerate = String(args.inputs.samplerate);
var langMatch = function (stream) {
var _a;
return ((langTag === 'und'
&& (stream.tags === undefined || stream.tags.language === undefined))
|| (((_a = stream === null || stream === void 0 ? void 0 : stream.tags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.language) && stream.tags.language.toLowerCase().includes(langTag)));
// filter streams to only include audio streams with the specified lang tag
var streamsWithLangTag = streams.filter(function (stream) {
if (stream.codec_type === 'audio'
&& langMatch(stream)) {
return true;
return false;
if (streamsWithLangTag.length === 0) {
args.jobLog("No streams with language tag ".concat(langTag, " found. Skipping \n"));
return false;
// get the stream with the highest channel count
var streamWithHighestChannel = streamsWithLangTag.reduce(getHighest);
var highestChannelCount = Number(streamWithHighestChannel.channels);
var targetChannels = 0;
if (wantedChannelCount <= highestChannelCount) {
targetChannels = wantedChannelCount;
args.jobLog("The wanted channel count ".concat(wantedChannelCount, " is <= than the")
+ " highest available channel count (".concat(streamWithHighestChannel.channels, "). \n"));
else {
targetChannels = highestChannelCount;
args.jobLog("The wanted channel count ".concat(wantedChannelCount, " is higher than the")
+ " highest available channel count (".concat(streamWithHighestChannel.channels, "). \n"));
var hasStreamAlready = streams.filter(function (stream) {
if (stream.codec_type === 'audio'
&& langMatch(stream)
&& stream.codec_name === audioCodec
&& stream.channels === targetChannels) {
return true;
return false;
if (hasStreamAlready.length > 0) {
args.jobLog("File already has ".concat(langTag, " stream in ").concat(audioEncoder, ", ").concat(targetChannels, " channels \n"));
return true;
args.jobLog("Adding ".concat(langTag, " stream in ").concat(audioEncoder, ", ").concat(targetChannels, " channels \n"));
var streamCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(streamWithHighestChannel));
streamCopy.removed = false;
streamCopy.index = streams.length;
streamCopy.outputArgs.push('-c:{outputIndex}', audioEncoder);
streamCopy.outputArgs.push('-ac', "".concat(targetChannels));
streamCopy.outputArgs.push('-metadata:s:a:0', 'title=' + trackName); // Setting the track name
if (enableBitrate) {
var ffType = (0, fileUtils_1.getFfType)(streamCopy.codec_type);
streamCopy.outputArgs.push("-b:".concat(ffType, ":{outputTypeIndex}"), "".concat(bitrate));
if (enableSamplerate) {
streamCopy.outputArgs.push('-ar', "".concat(samplerate));
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
args.variables.ffmpegCommand.shouldProcess = true;
return true;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
var plugin = function (args) {
var lib = require('../../../../../methods/lib')();
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars,no-param-reassign
args.inputs = lib.loadDefaultValues(args.inputs, details);
var audioEncoder = String(args.inputs.audioEncoder);
var langTag = String(args.inputs.language).toLowerCase();
var wantedChannelCount = Number(args.inputs.channels);
var trackName = String(args.inputs.trackName); // Getting the specified track name
var streams = args.variables.ffmpegCommand.streams;
var audioCodec = audioEncoder;
if (audioEncoder === 'dca') {
audioCodec = 'dts';
if (audioEncoder === 'libmp3lame') {
audioCodec = 'mp3';
if (audioEncoder === 'libopus') {
audioCodec = 'opus';
var addedOrExists = attemptMakeStream({
args: args,
langTag: langTag,
streams: streams,
audioCodec: audioCodec,
audioEncoder: audioEncoder,
wantedChannelCount: wantedChannelCount,
trackName: trackName // Passing the track name to the attemptMakeStream function
if (!addedOrExists) {
args: args,
langTag: 'und',
streams: streams,
audioCodec: audioCodec,
audioEncoder: audioEncoder,
wantedChannelCount: wantedChannelCount,
trackName: trackName // Passing the track name to the attemptMakeStream function
return {
outputFileObj: args.inputFileObj,
outputNumber: 1,
variables: args.variables,
exports.plugin = plugin;
Not sure if its a bug or i am meant to do it somewhere else but when im using the command to create a 2 channel AAC track it copys the same track name as the one it used to make the track. so when watching in VLC and i want to swap audio tracks it shows as DD5.1 because that what it used.
Is it possible to specify the track name as an option? if not, how do i edit that track name to e.g Stereo AAC.