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Write C# GUI instead of QT #200

Closed InfosecWestwood6969 closed 1 year ago

InfosecWestwood6969 commented 1 year ago

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QT is a pain to install on Gentoo or Arch. I ended up installing qtcreator full package to install the qt client but was very painful. Writing a C# application can handle things much better as lot of people use Windows instd of linux, even Cobaltstrike has it.

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Cracked5pider commented 1 year ago

Hey, thank you so much for opening this issue. I am super happy to rewrite 10k+ of C++ code into another language that I am not familiar with so that a random person on the internet can install it easily or because it's a "pain in the ass" to install it. You can pay me a lot of money to do so or else please don't use it. Thank you.

InfosecWestwood6969 commented 1 year ago

It should be usable for you to say "don't use it". How can I use something that does not work. Half the things keep crashing every few minutes and it is the most unstable piece of shit I've used. I only tried it against Sliver because of the hype you created in your discord channel and on twitter. A 10 year old rat sold on sinister.ly is better than this garbage. Fuck you.

InfosecWestwood6969 commented 1 year ago

And why do you keep asking money for everything. No one asked you to write this software. If you actually wrote something that worked, I would even consider paying a few pennies...

raf181 commented 1 year ago

why the fuck you guys fighting for a free project isn't the whole purpose of GitHub to collaborate if you want something get the code you need and make it yourself.

InfosecWestwood6969 commented 1 year ago

I asked him politely about the issue. He asked money with so money ego as if give me money or do it on your own. He needs some humility, or else he will keep asking money like a begger. If he wants money, go and earn instead of asking it to people on internet.

Cracked5pider commented 1 year ago

You asked me to rewrite the client in C# lmao. Do you have any idea how much time this would cost? I am doing this in my free time and for fun. You don't need to use it and I am happy if someone reports issues with a detailed explanation of how it crashed with screenshots/logs. You just open issues and say "it's crashing" and that's it without more info. And I if really wanted to make money I would have sold it like other C2s are doing but I wanted other people to learn from it.

InfosecWestwood6969 commented 1 year ago

I opened and explained the issues to you already. I said how the agent does not connect back if the server is killed and started again. the killing of server can be manual or due to crashes as there is not a lot of command input validation like the -1 bug in sleep. I am doing a favor by reporting the issues for you. if you don't like it, not my problem. there are a lot of open source c2s which actually work. No one will pay for this crap either way

Cracked5pider commented 1 year ago

You are talking about this #199 issue. Which I am currently investigating and going to fix.
In this issue where we are currently talking is something I can't do since I don't know C# and you are asking me to rewrite 10k+ lines of C++ code just because it fails to parse some commands (which I am fully aware of and going to fix just give me some time). Look I am not getting paid for this and I am happy if someone is reporting issues/bugs but you just complained and started to insult my project and calling it shit after I refused to rewrite the C2 in C#. If you know more then go and write your own C2. You straight up started to call my project shit after I told you that it's still in early development and not even a month out so what do you expect? being bug free without any issues?
And I am sorry for being a little bit aggressive in my previous messages but you need to understand that I don't have that much free time and I am trying my best to make it as stable as possible. So It would help me more if you could provide more information on how the issue occurred with reproducible steps (maybe some screenshots).

CodeXTF2 commented 1 year ago

I asked him politely about the issue. He asked money with so money ego as if give me money or do it on your own. He needs some humility, or else he will keep asking money like a begger. If he wants money, go and earn instead of asking it to people on internet.

i think the part about money was a rhetorical question. point being he doesnt feel like rewriting half the codebase and he isnt obligated to do so.

oh, and do yourself a favour and do your pentesting/redteaming on a linux VM like everyone else.

cbedhoam620 commented 1 year ago

You are talking about this #199 issue. Which I am currently investigating and going to fix. In this issue where we are currently talking is something I can't do since I don't know C# and you are asking me to rewrite 10k+ lines of C++ code just because it fails to parse some commands (which I am fully aware of and going to fix just give me some time). Look I am not getting paid for this and I am happy if someone is reporting issues/bugs but you just complained and started to insult my project and calling it shit after I refused to rewrite the C2 in C#. If you know more then go and write your own C2. You straight up started to call my project shit after I told you that it's still in early development and not even a month out so what do you expect? being bug free without any issues? And I am sorry for being a little bit aggressive in my previous messages but you need to understand that I don't have that much free time and I am trying my best to make it as stable as possible. So It would help me more if you could provide more information on how the issue occurred with reproducible steps (maybe some screenshots).

Yes, I support you. He just wants to play for free. He wants people to work for him for free. Don't worry about him. Qt is fine. If there's a problem, just fix it. We don't need a bunch of interpreter languages

winterrdog commented 1 year ago

@Cracked5pider just keep doing what you're doing we already like it😍.

When you're rising, Haters keep on rising. 🀝 Which indirectly means you're becoming bada55😎😈😈

Keep at it πŸ’ͺ

SecT0uch commented 1 year ago

C# please tell me this is a joke :rofl: