Hawkline451 / TeraCity

Terasology is an open source project started by Benjamin "begla" Glatzel to research procedural terrain generation and efficient rendering techniques in Java using the LWJGL. The engine uses a block-based voxel-like approach as seen in Minecraft. After proving itself as a solid tech demo begla was joined at first by Anton "small-jeeper" Kireev and Rasmus "Cervator" Praestholm and a full-fledged game concept was born. Our goal is a game that pays ample tribute to Minecraft in initial look and origin, but stakes out its own niche by adopting the NPC-helper and caretaker feel from such games as Dwarf Fortress and Dungeon Keeper, while striving for added depth and sophistication in the foundation systems akin to DF.
Apache License 2.0
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RS 013: Ejecución de PMD #23

Closed SimonRBG closed 7 years ago

SimonRBG commented 7 years ago

Implementar un metodo que ejecuta PMD y obtiene los code Smells generados.

AlbertoSara commented 7 years ago


Implement method to obtain code smells through PMD.

AlbertoSara commented 7 years ago

Concept Location

Code smells, PMD, method.

Relevant classes: PMDCommand.java PMDProcessor.java

AlbertoSara commented 7 years ago

Method to execute PMD already existed (pmdColoring command in PMDCommand.java) but it didn't create the thread ThreadPMDExecution properly. This has been fixed and now it uses the related jar files to find errors.

AlbertoSara commented 7 years ago

Unnecessary files removed.

AlbertoSara commented 7 years ago

Additional methods to handle the results of the analysis will be added. Results will be stored in a TSV file, with the first column being the name of the file, and the following ones being the number of the detected lines.

AlbertoSara commented 7 years ago

Issue finished succesfully, branch merged to master.