HaxeExtension / extension-admob

OpenFL extension for "Google AdMob" on iOS and Android.
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Support for Admob Mediation #19

Closed xmorpher closed 1 week ago

xmorpher commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure if the extension supports Admob Mediation? (or has plans to support it in the future?)

fbricker commented 8 years ago

Hi, currently it does not support mediation. I hope to add it in the future, since I don't have time right now.

If someone want's to make it, please send a pull request and I'll check it 👍

man2 commented 7 years ago

i want to make it.. let's see if i can make PR today

man2 commented 7 years ago

@fbricker submitted PR

fbricker commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your PR 👍 There's now an official branch for this based on your PR https://github.com/openfl/extension-admob/tree/mediation

I hope we can soon finish this and merge to main branch.

pozirk commented 1 year ago

Anyone interested to add Mediation support to the current version of the extension?

pozirk commented 2 weeks ago

So, I've finally checked docs about Medation.

  1. Some ad sources don't require any third-party SDKs, so you just need to sign a contract with them, and mediation starts working automatically.
  2. Those that require third-party SDKs should be basically integrated manually one by one. It doesn't really make much sense to me.

Here is the list of all the available ad sources for mediation: https://developers.google.com/admob/android/choose-networks

Any questions?