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Convert Dame exporters to work wih haxe #69

Closed Beeblerox closed 8 years ago

Beeblerox commented 12 years ago


Beeblerox commented 12 years ago

Plus port Dame samples

nmiljkovic commented 12 years ago

Check out http://lib.haxe.org/p/LevelTools and https://github.com/migimunz/LevelToolsDemos

Beeblerox commented 12 years ago

@proof Yes I know about this library, but my plan is to make converters which will work IN Dame itself

c023-DeV commented 10 years ago

@proof that thing is a bit out of date now isn't it? I'll try to rewrite it and make it fit in with the other editors in the flixel-addons... well at least I'll try... (new to HxFlixel) However I'd love a 'proper' Dame exporter too but that seemed outside of my range for now. Wish me luck! DAME still has a ton of features I don't find anywhere else.

c023-DeV commented 10 years ago

Oh and by the way I found these HaxePunk exporters for DAME flying around, maybe they can help someone make HxFlixel exporters: http://www.mediafire.com/download/darmeq6hwbh4or5/DAME+Exporters+NME.zip

c023-DeV commented 10 years ago

Ok, trying to rewrite the exporters... since I'm too stupid to parase XML...

Gama11 commented 8 years ago

Dame doesn't seem too popular these days, compared to say, Tiled, so I'm not sure this is worth it. I also don't think it's being maintained anymore?

Either way, since the changes have to happen in Dame, not this repo, the issue should probably be moved there if you still feel it's relevant: https://github.com/XanderXevious/DAME/issues