HaxeFoundation / Project-Management

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Corporate Design Items and Style Guide #26

Closed Merelleya closed 8 years ago

Merelleya commented 9 years ago

@markknol has agreed to put some work into some corporate design items.

I am specifically looking for a version of headed paper in case we want to send around documents and something that can be used for presentations. Also, the facebook page needs a new header and I remember there was a move to unify style across all social platforms.

While we are at it, we might also want to put some thought into a style guide for ease of reference.

Thanks so much for your help, Mark!

Stuff we want

larsiusprime commented 9 years ago

To start with, do we have SVG files or other non-destructed master assets for the Haxe logo and related branding stuff? (Neko, etc).

markknol commented 9 years ago

The logo on the website is svg, not sure if there is a neko logo as svg. Would it be an idea to create a new github repository with all brand assets? Or should they be on the haxe.org website?

larsiusprime commented 9 years ago

Why not both? There's lots of times when I've been writing an article and looking for an asset and just have to brave what google image search pops up with, then try to painstakingly remove the white background, etc. Github would be good for SVG... that's ultimately just text data right? And then have a page on the site for media, etc, to easily use.

Merelleya commented 9 years ago

My thoughts exactly. We need a press/media page too,

markknol commented 9 years ago

Yes it would be great to avoid the google image search, haha i recognize that too.

Ill think i first start on the headers, because sadly wwx is over. I keep forgetting who is responsible for the social media accounts?

Simn commented 9 years ago

The girl

Merelleya commented 9 years ago

That would be me. Just to be clear, huh?

ncannasse commented 9 years ago

While we're at it, maybe we could setup a shop with some branded goods (t shirt, mug, etc.) the goal is not to make benefit here but I'm sure some people would be happy to have them.

Merelleya commented 9 years ago

As long as they are pretty....have you seen the game duell haxe-shirts at the con? I was insanely jealous!

ncannasse commented 9 years ago

Yes of course we want nice things :) Don't remember the haxe shirts sadly

waneck commented 9 years ago

I remember @dpeek had done some t-shirt designs for Haxe which were great! If anyone has any good ideas, it'd be great to hear them. Perhaps we could ask the community to contribute with designs. I've done some time ago a "Ask me about Haxe" which was inspired by "Ask me about Loom", from Monkey Island: https://twitter.com/cwaneck/status/591870035087519745

waneck commented 9 years ago

Here's a reference topic https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/haxelang/nGKYxLfo9Ec/O4fkYKV-LscJ

alebianco commented 9 years ago

I was thinking of DIY-make some tees like gameduell had (loved their design) for when we start hijacking the local js meetups. So yeah, the sooner we get officially branded things, the better

Merelleya commented 9 years ago

I have included a list of the items mentioned above. Please do speak up if you would like anything else or can take care of a particular item (like the design for the shirts or whatever).

Game Duell's shirts were black and had the Haxe logo very big on the front. However, the logo was not filled in solid. It was just the outlines in the different orange tones. So there wasn't that instant-bam-orange effect and it looked nice, tidy and geometrical. It was, I think, as subtle as the Haxe logo can be. They also had their own logo on the sleeve. I found them really cool.

markknol commented 9 years ago

Social Media Headers Maybe the girl wants to add it to all social media platforms? http://projects.stroep.nl/haxe/social-media.jpg cc @Merelleya

Merelleya commented 9 years ago

I can assure you that the girl hasn't the slightest idea what you are talking about xD

Merelleya commented 9 years ago

@markknol it comes out rather odd on facebook. would you mind terribly looking into the different sizes required and see how it would fit and look best?

Thanks a lot!

Merelleya commented 9 years ago

I have taken out the printed items and moved them to #33

markknol commented 9 years ago

@Merelleya Can you put the header also online for twitter/gplus? You don't have to crop/move it.

Merelleya commented 9 years ago

@ncannasse would you mind doing that? I am having trouble logging in to the haxe_org account again ~.~

ncannasse commented 9 years ago

Done on twitter

ncannasse commented 9 years ago

BTW we have two twitter accounts : haxe_org for official HF news, and haxelang for Haxe community news. haxelang has more traffic, we should post more often on haxe_org (the roundups for instance), that is, if @Merelleya can actually login into it :)

Merelleya commented 9 years ago

I can use it through tweetdeck no problem. We should look into buffer, too, for scheduling.

markknol commented 9 years ago

Kind of off-topic but I suggested the Haxe logo for http://svgporn.com/ and now it's there.

markknol commented 8 years ago

Is there a Neko logo as SVG available?

ncannasse commented 8 years ago

I don't think I have one, it's been made years ago in photoshop

MatthijsKamstra commented 8 years ago

Neko logo, perhaps not the original, but the one used on the Haxe website...


markknol commented 8 years ago

Nicely spotted, great!

MatthijsKamstra commented 8 years ago

Don't know if this is the place for it, but I remember a discussion about the Haxe logo and the need for a black "Haxe" logo. I needed them for the t-shirt design:

http://clients.matthijskamstra.nl/haxe/haxe-logo-negative.svg haxe-logo-negative.svg

http://clients.matthijskamstra.nl/haxe/haxe-logo-vertical-negative.svg haxe-logo-vertical-negative.svg

don't know why we don't see a preview

markknol commented 8 years ago

@Merelleya I created some demo slides to be used as template for any Haxe related presentation. It has copy/pastable slides with our colors. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Ax9mZm0-H3rvQ4gRXbtIsh7BNW7NyYVg4y-AK9HJcEk/edit?usp=sharing Is this useful? It can be downloaded as anything from google drive.

MatthijsKamstra commented 8 years ago

@markknol nice!

Merelleya commented 8 years ago

This is lovely!

Am 20/01/2016 um 22:11 schrieb Mark Knol:

@Merelleya https://github.com/Merelleya I created some demo slides to be used as template for a presentation. It has copy/pastable example slides with our colors. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Ax9mZm0-H3rvQ4gRXbtIsh7BNW7NyYVg4y-AK9HJcEk/edit?usp=sharing Is this useful? It can be downloaded as anything from google drive.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/Project-Management/issues/26#issuecomment-173360018.

Simn commented 8 years ago

Can we close this issue or is there anything left to do?

ncannasse commented 8 years ago

Ah, I just checked the "black over white" versions of the branding here http://haxe.org/foundation/branding.html , I was thinking at first that I would like to see them changed by filling the HAXE name in black, instead of using only a black outline, but maybe they are better this way actually, any other opinion?

Simn commented 8 years ago

I like it the way it is, so I'll close this issue now!