HaxeFoundation / Project-Management

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WWX London #43

Open lucamezzalira opened 8 years ago

lucamezzalira commented 8 years ago

Hi All

I was thinking that would be nice to organise a 1 or 2 days event on Haxe for JS developer, with my JS community I had the opportunity to meet a lot of people and good venues, we could organise something similar to the Paris event in London. I can reach easily Google campus for free and find few sponsor for the refreshments. what do you think about that?

ncannasse commented 8 years ago

That sounds like a great idea. When would it take place? How can we help?

lucamezzalira commented 8 years ago

We can organise for next year, I don't know when you are planning the WWX in Paris but I'd suggest May for this event, usually a good month in London :D What I can do is checking with my contacts in Google what they think to host us there and start to talk with few companies to see if they could be interested to sponsor us. The only think I can't promise I'll be able to organise will be the streaming and the recording, I'm not organised for this at all.

I was thinking to talk with Gamesys, Massive Interactive and few recruitment firms hosted us in the past. If you have any possible contact in London that could be useful to reach just let me know :D

Then for sue I'll ask you an help to find few speakers, for sure I'll ask to Philippe, David and Jozef from Massive and Adi and Alessandro from Gamesys but if you know someone that could be interested to participate to the event as speaker it would be nice to put me in contact with him/her.

Merelleya commented 8 years ago

Hey Luca,

this is great news! We will of course help you in any way we can. We could put out a call on the mailing-list, to see who else would be available as a speaker.

I have this issue assigned to you for the time being. Just let us know what you need from us and we will see what we can do.


Merelleya commented 8 years ago

Hey all,

I have just gotten word from Silex Labs that they have reserved the Mozilla Offices and are planning their Paris event for May 27th to May 30th. The Thaxe Force (the google group where the coordination took place) will be up again in November.

So please keep this in mind when choosing your date.


lucamezzalira commented 8 years ago

Perfect, thanks for letting me know.

So I've sent an email to a contact I've got in Facebook, their room is huge (300 people) and they are very good in this kind of things, let's see if we can have them or not. I keep you update on that :D