HaxeFoundation / Project-Management

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Haxe Resource #46

Closed tiagolr closed 7 years ago

tiagolr commented 8 years ago

Hi, I've been working on this wonderful site to aggregate learning materials such as articles and tutorials related to haxe programming language.


It's almost ready at this stage, and so far it had little or no problems during production.

I'd like to ask you if at some point it can be transfered to the HaxeFoundation servers, and possibly make it an official haxefoundation asset (even if at a later stage), I would like to see it happen for a couple of reasons:

Haxeresource is built with haxe and meteorjs, I never hosted a meteor application myself, but i guess it only needs: nodejs and mongodb installed.

I'd be happy to maintain and keep adding contents to this application (I quite enjoy it), currently I have a big list of tutorials to add and a list of features to implement, I work on them as time and motivation permits.

Thank you,

ncannasse commented 8 years ago

Hi and thank you for this website.

It looks like I could indeed become some valuable website for haxe resources.

One thing I would like to see added before we host it would be a way for users to easily submit links, while still having you manually confirming them for inclusion. That could be as easy as a "Submit Link" button/form that could be on each page.

After that we could ask the community to submit links to fill the database. This way when we make it official there will be already much more content that there is right now, which would have a greater impact.

larsiusprime commented 8 years ago

This could be really amazing and I would love to see this officially adopted by HF.

tiagolr commented 8 years ago

Thanks, @ncannasse I'll see into that. At the moment there are lots and lots of contents to be added, one question, would the submit link require login? The advantage of requiring login is that the link can be attributed to that person and also avoid spamming, on the other hand it's always a bit more discouraging to have to login. Anyway I'll make it require login first, then remove it if needed.

larsiusprime commented 8 years ago

Maybe enable something that lets you login with Facebook, Google, Github, Twitter id's via OAUTH in addition to traditional login? Then you have login tied to identity but friction is less.

tiagolr commented 8 years ago

It does since quite some time now: facebook, github and google i think.

ncannasse commented 8 years ago

I think that no login is better, you can still add login once you get too much spam, at this point the database should be quite big already

Merelleya commented 8 years ago

Hey @tiagolr,

This looks really amazing. Please let me know if you need help with anything from our side!

Simn commented 8 years ago

Is this still a thing? The original website doesn't seem to exist anymore.

RafaelOliveira commented 8 years ago

this website had a functionality of add links to tutorials and articles from external websites, could this be implemented in http://code.haxe.org? with a sign indicating that is a link of a external website. Or it is outside the scope of code.haxe.org?

Merelleya commented 8 years ago

The project is more or less dead for now. I don't think we have the resources (time-wise) to actually maintain this at the moment.

markknol commented 8 years ago

do we still have the database/links ?

Merelleya commented 8 years ago

Tiago answered this on the Newsgroup:

Hey Josefiene thank you for noticing.

Meteor has canceled the free hosting service they provided a couple of days ago, I've backed up the database but I haven't re-hosted the application so far.

I've been very busy, and I haven't decided if I declare it "dead", if i host it with a bought domain (I actually own a small production server), or if I host it as a demo application with ip url only (i showcase that application many times for interviews, clients etc..).

So far my plan is to declare the project dead, open source the database backup and host the app for showcasing without a bought domain.

Let me know if you want to use it for the haxe community, personally that would be ideal tho maybe it's not the most needed effort.



I liked the database quite a bit. It would satisfy the request to collect articles and videos and resources in one place. This has been asked for several times by the community. The only concern I have is the maintenance, since the DB will only be good if people keep adding their resources, tag them correctly, etc.

tiagolr commented 8 years ago

Agree with @Merelleya, I'll upload the database backup soon, I'll probably also host the project for showcasing, I think it's a very cool app but it's not that "much needed" since there are many documentation solutions that work well for different project / communities.

Anyway I'll post when I put it online, If there is interest in keeping this project going I'm interested in keeping it of course (or I wouldn't start it in the first place), one thing I do like doing is categorizing information but myself included did not use this site very much.

Also thank you for the support and liking the idea, that's always great!

markknol commented 7 years ago

I dont think we will receive the database. Lets close it.