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Error when trying to run locally #2

Closed markknol closed 6 years ago

markknol commented 6 years ago

I run all commands from travis:

haxelib install all --always
haxelib dev hxparse libs/hxparse
haxelib dev hxtemplo libs/hxtemplo
haxelib dev hxargs libs/hxargs
haxelib dev markdown libs/haxe-markdown
haxelib dev dox libs/dox
haxe gen.hxml
neko Gen.n

Then I got this error:

C:\xxx\api.haxe.org>neko Gen.n run: haxe [--cwd,libs/dox,-lib,hxtemplo,-lib,hxparse,-lib,hxargs,-lib,markdown,-cp,src,-dce,no,--run,dox.Dox,-theme,C:/xxx/api.haxe.org/theme,--title,Haxe 3.2.1 API,-D,website,https://haxe.org/,-D,version,3.2.1,-D,source-path,https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/haxe/blob/3.2.1/std/,-i,C:/xxx/api.haxe.org/xml/3.2.1,-o,C:/xxx/api.haxe.org/html/v/3.2.1,-ex,microsoft,-ex,javax,-ex,cs.internal]
Type not found : dox.Dox

BTW, I think it's weird that libs/dox are empty, is that intented?

I think it might be related to the Haxe version it is using, since you do runCommand("haxe", args); in Gen? (I use Haxe 3.4.2)

markknol commented 6 years ago

It works now. I forgot to git submodule init && git submodule update.