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Typed metadata (again!) #111

Open SomeRanDev opened 1 year ago

SomeRanDev commented 1 year ago

Another typed metadata proposal.

Similar to previous proposal with relevant discussion here. Relevant wiki content here. Based off of @nadako's comment which seems to be the most popular idea.

// MyMeta.hx
@:metadata function author(name: String): haxe.macro.Expr.TypeDefinition;

// Sleigh.hx
class Sleigh {
    // ...

Rendered proposal

kLabz commented 1 year ago

Why requiring the use of Context.getDecoratorSubject() instead of getting it as argument?

SomeRanDev commented 1 year ago

Why requiring the use of Context.getDecoratorSubject() instead of getting it as argument?

This was actually my original idea. Instead of @:metadata, you could have metadata functions work as static extensions, so any static function with DecoratorSubject as the first parameter is a metadata function. Then you could use extern to generate metadata functions without bodies.

The only reason I didn't commit to that in this proposal is I feel like body-less metadata functions are going to be used waaaay more frequently, so you end up writing much more to accommodate the less common use case? Plus nadako's comment seemed kinda popular. And finally, Context.get____ feels like a standard way compile-time functions get information honestly (getBuildFields, getLocalClass, getLocalTVars, etc.).

But I'm glad you brought it up cause I thought that might be a better way too, and I'd be interested to hear what others think.

kLabz commented 1 year ago

I don't know, really. All those switch + case _: throw "Impossible"; etc seem pretty silly. We could easily have a different signature for body-less metadata for those not to need to add a useless argument.

Speaking of body-less metadata, they seem pretty much useless as-is (unless we enforce typed metadata everywhere which I really doubt we'll do by default) as they don't even really ease reading their data from outside. For example I would assume we could somehow read something like e.meta.author.name from @:author("Santa") blargh expression with @:metadata function author(name:String):Expr.

SomeRanDev commented 1 year ago

That fair. 🤔

something like e.meta.author.name

I like this a lot. I'll try and incorporate something like this into the proposal in a bit. meta already field on TypeDefinition/Field/etc, so how about something like metaArgs? (td.metaArgs.author.name)

Would need a way to handle having the same meta used multiple times... so maybe make it an Array in that case? td.metaArgs.author[0].name

kLabz commented 1 year ago

I may be wrong but I remember reading something about the metadata function having some way to allow being used multiple times or not? That could potentially be used to allow either .author.name or .related[0].link. Typing there could be a bit annoying though; if so then I guess we could go with mandatory array access.

meta already field on TypeDefinition/Field/etc, so how about something like metaArgs? (td.metaArgs.author.name)

We could have x.meta (current one) with raw data and x.typedMeta with typed metadata entries (allowing things like td.typedMeta.author.name)

Aurel300 commented 1 year ago

Merging typed metadata into the existing syntax seems unlikely to work out. In particular:

For the time being, this proposal suggests throwing an error unless -D allow-untyped-meta is defined.

Does this mean that virtually all metadata everywhere would be rejected unless the flag is set, especially metadata coming from third-party libraries (which might not update at the same time as the compiler)? Not good…

Or is this saying, if the compiler fails to type a metadata, when a function for it exists and is resolved, it will complain? Also bad: a typo in the metadata name (or a forgotten import, etc) will simply be accepted silently.

Also: in your proposal you only use the runtime metadata syntax @foo and never @:foo—would there be a way to discern these? Is there any value in keeping metadata like this in RTTI?

IMO we need separate syntax for this. I think @. has been proposed before.

kLabz commented 1 year ago

IMO we need separate syntax for this. I think @. has been proposed before.

Also Simon proposed only allowing classes as metadata providers and disallowing "untyped" metadata starting with an uppercase letter. That handles the separate syntax issue.

SomeRanDev commented 1 year ago

Updated proposal:

SomeRanDev commented 1 year ago

For the record, I favor the @. syntax. The reason it's not being proposed is because I'm trying to base this off the most đź‘Ť'ed comment on the previous proposal. Maybe I misread the general consensus cause I thought that having a new syntax seemed kind of unpopular (hence why it didn't pass?), I would love to just write that and have it solve all the typed vs untyped compatibility issues.

wartman commented 1 year ago

What if type checking metadata worked sorta like null safety does? That might give the most flexibility for backwards compatibility without needing to introduce all kinds of new syntax. Make it opt-in per package or even per class, basically.

package my.package;

@:metadata({ rtti: true }) function foo(arg:String):Any;

// Could be something like this (at a class-level) or `--macro metadataTypeChecking('my.package', Strict)` (as an
// initialization macro). `Strict` could throw errors, `Warn` could just warn, `Off` could turn it off completely?
class Foo {
  @foo('ok') final foo:String; // Fine
  @bar final bar:String; // Throws an error

  // etc.

Alternatively this could be opt-out, allowing you to turn off type-checking for various packages (but even then maybe only emit a warning by default?).

This probably won't work too well with the more ambitious parts of this proposal, but if all we really want is some completion and error checking, maybe it's enough? Heck, even if we go with a new syntax like @. having some way to check all metadata seems like it would be nice.

Edit: I'll also say, just as personal preference, that I think it would be neat if we could get rid of all special syntax (or at least make it optional) for metadata if we're in a typedMetadata(Strict | Warn) context. The compiler will already know if the metadata is runtime or not since we'll have { rtti: true|false } in the metadata definition, meaning that adding the extra : for compiler metadata would be redundant. This is perhaps mostly an aesthetics thing, but it seems like it would be a reasonable addition and would avoid some unnecessary ceremony.

Simn commented 8 months ago

Some remarks:

Metadata targets as return types

This is a bit too clever. The main problem I see is that we cannot express the targets of something like @:final, which currently has "targets": ["TClass", "TClassField"]. It also looks somewhat alienating to deal with types from haxe.macro.Expr here. It would be better to just add the targets as an argument like a normal person would.

@:metadata bootstrap

I guess this is mostly a note to myself for when I start implementing this, but @:metadata function metadata looks like a fun time. This has some implications for how we handle typer passes, because we can't really load the metadata function while typing the metadata function.


Ok listen... I can see why you would want that, but it's a bit too much for a typed metadata proposal. At least at the first step. Metadata is (supposed to be) something very declarative, and executing macros for each of their occurrences is not. I would forego this entire part for now.

Typed metadata activated like null-safety

I find @wartman's idea quite interesting. This might be a good way to approach the issue indeed, especially because it allows "upgrading" untyped metadata to typed metadata. I'm not sure yet how this should be brought into scope (I think it should be at file/directory-level, probably utilizing import.hx), but my initial reaction that this is definitely the way to go.

One problem is that for some metadata, typing is required. I've been dealing with how our @:strict currently works recently, and it does some transformation by typing its arguments and then adding a modified @:meta. This means that some kind of metadata will always require typing, which should be considered.

This would mean that we always try to find a metadata definition, and whether or not we error out if there isn't one depends on the mode we're in. I'm not sure if we really need a mode where we find a definition, but accept that it doesn't type properly. I'd estimate that this would mostly come from metadata naming conflicts.