HaxeFoundation / haxe-evolution

Repository for maintaining proposal for changes to the Haxe programming language
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Additional possibilities! #112

Closed vega0 closed 1 year ago

vega0 commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to create Nested class declaration 1. Multiple extending class unlimited 2. Nested typedefinitions, nested structures and all statement items nestedable.

Syntax sugar changing 3. Multiple implementation / inheritance. Anonymous class declarations 4. Python like syntax to change between tab indent and inbrackets blocks. 5.

class PreClass1
 public function new () {}

class PreClass2
 public function new() {}

class Test1 extends PreClass1, PreClass2 implements ITest1

 // add the class root object as additional type!.
 anonymousclass = class
   public inline function testInline() {return True;}

  public function new()
    super.class._1(); // index firstly defined in extends row class supercall.
    super.class._2(); // or class.PreClass1() or super.PreClass1()
vega0 commented 1 year ago

Yes! Supported multireturns as it is in lua/python and C++ Tuples<t1, t2, t3, ...>

vega0 commented 1 year ago

Add utf8 support for variable and file names!