HaxeFoundation / haxe

Haxe - The Cross-Platform Toolkit
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[macro] Build order vs inheritance #11582

Closed kLabz closed 4 months ago

kLabz commented 4 months ago

Previous results were:

Main.hx:3: Foo
Main.hx:4: [I2,I1,Foo1]
Main.hx:5: [auto Foo1 (2),auto Foo1 (1),I1,I2,Foo2]
Main.hx:6: [I2,I1,auto Foo1 (1),auto Foo1 (2),Foo3 (1),Foo3 (2)]
Main.hx:7: [auto Foo1 (2),auto Foo1 (1),I1,I2,Foo4]
Main.hx:9: Bar
Main.hx:10: [I1,I2]
Main.hx:11: [I2,I1]
Main.hx:12: [I1,I2]
Main.hx:14: Baz
Main.hx:15: [I2,I3,I1]
Main.hx:16: [I1,I3,I2]
Main.hx:17: [I2,I3,I1]

Which were a bit hard to work with..

kLabz commented 4 months ago

Right, this will break our server tests until they're making use of it :sweat_smile:

kLabz commented 4 months ago

I'd add this to 4.3.4 but that's a potentially big change for a patch release..

Would it be ok to add this change under -D haxe-next for 4.3.x? @Simn

Simn commented 4 months ago

Good idea