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Accessing super from a local function #11672

Closed Speedphoenix closed 1 month ago

Speedphoenix commented 1 month ago

I have a case like this

class A {
    function trySomething() {

class B extends A {
    function askConfirm(onConfirm:Void->Void) {}

    override function trySomething() {
        function continueTrying() {
            trace("more stuff");
        if (true) {
            askConfirm(() -> continueTrying());
        } else {

but super.trySomething() gives me

Cannot access super inside a local function Try Haxe

So I need to create a separate same-scope function that is meant to be used exclusively inside trySomething(), which I would rather not have to do

Is there any chance we'd be able to use super in local functions in the future?

Simn commented 1 month ago

No, this cannot be implemented on all targets.