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XML parser - escaped character platform inconsistency #3630

Closed bendmorris closed 9 years ago

bendmorris commented 9 years ago

Using XML.parse:

This can be dealt with pretty easily by escaping and doing a string replace on CPP/neko, but it would be nice to have consistent behavior on all targets.

Simn commented 9 years ago

Could you try on JS?

bendmorris commented 9 years ago

JS has the same result as CPP/neko, characters remain in escaped form.

ncannasse commented 9 years ago

Handling of escaping and entities in XML has been a long time issue, mainly because we sometimes use native API and they actually differ (at least of entity handling). However for attributes escaping we should maybe look if it's possible to enforce a single behavior

delahee commented 9 years ago

Up @simn ( I know you love them) !

this :

var a = Xml.parse('<div e="event=Hit.Eject&#x0D;&#x0A;&quot;onHit"></div>');
var c = a.firstChild();

will reproduce the issue on cpp and neko:

To us, it seems there is some XmlUnescape missing on the native side as &#x0D is just a simple line jump and having them decoded in cross platform is necessary.. :)

Motion Twin is ready to spend cycles on that seems in my opinon heavy bandiwdth data should not be encoded in xml's but that's up for debate.

StringTools.htmlUnescape does not work for that as its implementation is rather limited.

Thanks !

Simn commented 9 years ago

I'll soon open a PR which will fix all XML issues known to man.

delahee commented 9 years ago

/troll all XML issues, whoaa, can you erase it from mankind memory ? /endTroll

Fine, good luck.

delahee commented 9 years ago

class XmlTools {

static var replaceMap :Map<String,Int> = { var m = new Map(); function f(s, i) m.set( s, i);

f("quot",       34      );
f("amp",        38      );
f("apos",       39      );
f("lt",         60      );
f("gt",         62      );
f("nbsp",       160     );
f("iexcl",      161     );
f("cent",       162     );
f("pound",      163     );
f("curren",     164     );
f("yen",        165     );
f("brvbar",     166     );
f("sect",       167     );
f("uml",        168     );
f("copy",       169     );
f("ordf",       170     );
f("laquo",      171     );
f("not",        172     );
f("shy",        173     );
f("reg",        174     );
f("macr",       175     );
f("deg",        176     );
f("plusmn",     177     );
f("sup2",       178     );
f("sup3",       179     );
f("acute",      180     );
f("micro",      181     );
f("para",       182     );
f("middot",     183     );
f("cedil",      184     );
f("sup1",       185     );
f("ordm",       186     );
f("raquo",      187     );
f("frac14",     188     );
f("frac12",     189     );
f("frac34",     190     );
f("iquest",     191     );
f("Agrave",     192     );
f("Aacute",     193     );
f("Acirc",      194     );
f("Atilde",     195     );
f("Auml",       196     );
f("Aring",      197     );
f("AElig",      198     );
f("Ccedil",     199     );
f("Egrave",     200     );
f("Eacute",     201     );
f("Ecirc",      202     );
f("Euml",       203     );
f("Igrave",     204     );
f("Iacute",     205     );
f("Icirc",      206     );
f("Iuml",       207     );
f("ETH",        208     );
f("Ntilde",     209     );
f("Ograve",     210     );
f("Oacute",     211     );
f("Ocirc",      212     );
f("Otilde",     213     );
f("Ouml",       214     );
f("times",      215     );
f("Oslash",     216     );
f("Ugrave",     217     );
f("Uacute",     218     );
f("Ucirc",      219     );
f("Uuml",       220     );
f("Yacute",     221     );
f("THORN",      222     );
f("szlig",      223     );
f("agrave",     224     );
f("aacute",     225     );
f("acirc",      226     );
f("atilde",     227     );
f("auml",       228     );
f("aring",      229     );
f("aelig",      230     );
f("ccedil",     231     );
f("egrave",     232     );
f("eacute",     233     );
f("ecirc",      234     );
f("euml",       235     );
f("igrave",     236     );
f("iacute",     237     );
f("icirc",      238     );
f("iuml",       239     );
f("eth",        240     );
f("ntilde",     241     );
f("ograve",     242     );
f("oacute",     243     );
f("ocirc",      244     );
f("otilde",     245     );
f("ouml",       246     );
f("divide",     247     );
f("oslash",     248     );
f("ugrave",     249     );
f("uacute",     250     );
f("ucirc",      251     );
f("uuml",       252     );
f("yacute",     253     );
f("thorn",      254     );
f("yuml",       255     );
f("OElig",      338     );
f("oelig",      339     );
f("Scaron",     352     );
f("scaron",     353     );
f("Yuml",       376     );
f("fnof",       402     );
f("circ",       710     );
f("tilde˜",        732     );
f("Alpha",      913     );
f("Beta",       914     );
f("Gamma",      915     );
f("Delta",      916     );
f("Epsilon",    917     );
f("Zeta",       918     );
f("Eta",        919     );
f("Theta",      920     );
f("Iota",       921     );
f("Kappa",      922     );
f("Lambda",     923     );
f("Mu",         924     );
f("Nu",         925     );
f("Xi",         926     );
f("Omicron",    927     );
f("Pi",         928     );
f("Rho",        929     );
f("Sigma",      931     );
f("Tau",        932     );
f("Upsilon",    933     );
f("Phi",        934     );
f("Chi",        935     );
f("Psi",        936     );
f("Omega",      937     );
f("alpha",      945     );
f("beta",       946     );
f("gamma",      947     );
f("delta",      948     );
f("epsilon",    949     );
f("zeta",       950     );
f("eta",        951     );
f("theta",      952     );
f("iota",       953     );
f("kappa",      954     );
f("lambda",     955     );
f("mu",         956     );
f("nu",         957     );
f("xi",         958     );
f("omicron",    959     );
f("pi",         960     );
f("rho",        961     );
f("sigmaf",     962     );
f("sigma",      963     );
f("tau",        964     );
f("upsilon",    965     );
f("phi",        966     );
f("chi",        967     );
f("psi",        968     );
f("omega",      969     );
f("thetasym",   977     );
f("upsih",      978     );
f("piv",        982     );
f("ensp",       8194    );
f("emsp",       8195    );
f("thinsp",     8201    );
f("zwnj",       8204    );
f("zwj",        8205    );
f("lrm",        8206    );
f("rlm",        8207    );
f("ndash",      8211    );
f("mdash",      8212    );
f("lsquo",      8216    );
f("rsquo",      8217    );
f("sbquo",      8218    );
f("ldquo",      8220    );
f("rdquo",      8221    );
f("bdquo",      8222    );
f("dagger",     8224    );
f("Dagger",     8225    );
f("bull",       8226    );
f("hellip",     8230    );
f("permil",     8240    );
f("prime",      8242    );
f("Prime",      8243    );
f("lsaquo",     8249    );
f("rsaquo",     8250    );
f("oline",      8254    );
f("frasl",      8260    );
f("euro",       8364    );
f("image",      8465    );
f("weierp",     8472    );
f("real",       8476    );
f("trade",      8482    );
f("alefsym",    8501    );
f("larr",       8592    );
f("uarr",       8593    );
f("rarr",       8594    );
f("darr",       8595    );
f("harr",       8596    );
f("crarr",      8629    );
f("lArr",       8656    );
f("uArr",       8657    );
f("rArr",       8658    );
f("dArr",       8659    );
f("hArr",       8660    );
f("forall",     8704    );
f("part ",      8706    );
f("exist",      8707    );
f("empty",      8709    );
f("nabla",      8711    );
f("isin",       8712    );
f("notin",      8713    );
f("ni",         8715    );
f("prod",       8719    );
f("sum",        8721    );
f("minus",      8722    );
f("lowast",     8727    );
f("radic",      8730    );
f("prop",       8733    );
f("infin",      8734    );
f("ang",        8736    );
f("and",        8743    );
f("or",         8744    );
f("cap",        8745    );
f("cup",        8746    );
f("int",        8747    );
f("there4",     8756    );
f("sim",        8764    );
f("cong",       8773    );
f("asymp˜",        8776    );
f("ne",         8800    );
f("equiv",      8801    );
f("le",         8804    );
f("ge",         8805    );
f("sub",        8834    );
f("sup",        8835    );
f("nsub",       8836    );
f("sube",       8838    );
f("supe",       8839    );
f("oplus",      8853    );
f("otimes",     8855    );
f("perp",       8869    );
f("sdot",       8901    );
f("vellip",     8942    );
f("lceil",      8968    );
f("rceil",      8969    );
f("lfloor",     8970    );
f("rfloor",     8971    );
f("lang",       9001    );
f("rang",       9002    );
f("loz",        9674    );
f("spades",     9824    );
f("clubs",      9827    );
f("hearts",     9829    );
f("diams",      9830    );


static function reach(str:String, pos:Int, token : Int) { for ( i in pos...str.length) { var c = StringTools.fastCodeAt( str, i ); if ( c == token )
return i; } return -1; } /**


Not so tested but here is the soft haxe code..

I strongly advise you try to solve this on the native side by exploring why libxml does not serve the right result though.

Bisous ! 
Simn commented 9 years ago

I'm still not sure how many of these we have to deal with in a XML parser. The only ones mentioned in the XML specification are > < " ' & as well as their numeric versions (&#123 form).

ncannasse commented 9 years ago

Yes, HTML entities are not XML entities

Simn commented 9 years ago

Main problem I'm having is that we don't have any Bytes implementation that I can base a parser on because haxe.io.Bytes is too slow and #3073 has not been resolved yet.

Simn commented 9 years ago

Another thing about entities is that roundtripping &string; is gonna result in &amp;string; unless we want to make it throw an error (which I think would be correct actually).

Simn commented 9 years ago

The ampersand character (&) and the left angle bracket (<) must not appear in their literal form, except when used as markup delimiters, or within a comment, a processing instruction, or a CDATA section.


How much are you guys gonna hate me if we actually follow the specification here?