Please complete the following class with minimal code reproducing theproblem :
class Test
static function main()
var mouse_cursor_vector:Vector<flash.display.BitmapData> = new Vector<flash.display.BitmapData>();
mouse_cursor_vector[0] = new Crsr_move(); // this is an external BitmapData class - use any, max 32x32 png or jpg image
var mouse_cursor_data:MouseCursorData = new MouseCursorData(); // this function take no parameter, but in flash9/ui/MouseCursorData.hx it takes a string
Mouse.registerCursor("new_crsr", mouse_cursor_data);
// the Mouse.cursor can get 2 types, but in flash9/ui/Mouse.hx it can be only 1
Mouse.cursor = MouseCursor.AUTO; // it switch back the mouse cursor into the default behaviour, type: MouseCursor
Mouse.cursor = "new_crsr"; // this line switch the mouse cursor into the defined BitmapData, type: String
Please provide any additional information below.
Here is the corrected flash9/ui/Mouse.hx
package flash.ui;
extern class Mouse {
@:require(flash10) static var cursor : Dynamic; // need String, and MouseCursor type - maybe @:multitype is the solution
@:require(flash10_1) static var supportsCursor(default,null) : Bool;
static function hide() : Void;
@:require(flash10_2) static function registerCursor(name : String, cursor : flash.ui.MouseCursorData) : Void;
static function show() : Void;
And the corrected flash9/ui/MouseCursorData.hx
package flash.ui;
@ :final @ :require(flash10_2) extern class MouseCursorData {
var data : flash.Vector<flash.display.BitmapData>;
var frameRate : Float;
var hotSpot : flash.geom.Point;
var name : String;
function new() : Void;
[Google Issue #423 :] by, at 24/05/2011, 10:06:26 What steps will reproduce the problem?
Please complete the following class with minimal code reproducing the problem :
class Test
Please provide any additional information below. Here is the corrected flash9/ui/Mouse.hx
package flash.ui;
And the corrected flash9/ui/MouseCursorData.hx
package flash.ui;