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Regression: local variable compilation #4236

Closed ncannasse closed 7 years ago

ncannasse commented 9 years ago

When running some heaps samples in flash, I get the following error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert hxsl::VecType@690b9e1 to hxsl.Type.
    at hxsl::Eval/evalExpr()[D:\Projects\hxtools\heaps\hxsl/Eval.hx:375]
    at hxsl::Eval/evalExpr()[D:\Projects\hxtools\heaps\hxsl/Eval.hx:241]
    at hxsl::Eval/evalExpr()[D:\Projects\hxtools\heaps\hxsl/Eval.hx:229]

It seems to come from some invalid code compiled by Haxe, since it was compiling/running fine before I updated GIT :)

Simn commented 9 years ago

Which sample is that?

ncannasse commented 9 years ago

Ah, this seems to come from change in cache handling in haxe.Serializer

MSGhero commented 9 years ago

When I install nape on dev haxe, some of the variables in nape's source code (the actual .hx files) are being replaced with "null," which of course throws hundreds of errors. Is this the same issue?

It works fine on master 3.2.0. Breaks in the git build right after the master release.

ncannasse commented 9 years ago

@Simn if you try heaps/samples/2d with SWF you'll get a runtime error

I could investigate a bit further, here's some correct shader serialization output:


And the wrong one:


There's a difference shortly after the beginning related to references.

If you unserialize + trace, you get the following:

good shader:

Main.hx:5: { funs => [{ args => [], expr => { e => TBlock([{ e => TVarDecl({ kind => Local, name => a, type => TVec(4,VFloat), id => -199 },{ e => TArray({ e => TVar({ kind => Param, name => animFrames, type => TArray(TVec(4,VFloat),SVar({ kind => Param, name => MaxAnims, type => TInt, qualifiers => [Const(null)], id => -196 })), id => -197 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 357, min => 347 }, t => TArray(TVec(4,VFloat),SVar({ kind => Param, name => MaxAnims, type => TInt, qualifiers => [Const(null)], id => -196 })) },{ e => TVar({ kind => Input, name => anim, type => TFloat, parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => TStruct([{ kind => Input, name => position, type => TVec(2,VFloat), parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -191 },{ kind => Input, name => uv, type => TVec(2,VFloat), parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -192 },{ kind => Input, name => color, type => TVec(4,VFloat), parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -193 },{ kind => Input, name => anim, type => TFloat, parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -194 }]), id => -190 }, id => -194 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 368, min => 358 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 369, min => 347 }, t => TVec(4,VFloat) }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 370, min => 339 }, t => TVoid },{ e => TBinop(OpAssign,{ e => TSwiz({ e => TVar({ kind => Local, name => calculatedUV, type => TVec(2,VFloat), id => -195 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 387, min => 375 }, t => TVec(2,VFloat) },[X]), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 389, min => 375 }, t => TFloat },{ e => TBinop(OpAdd,{ e => TBinop(OpMod,{ e => TParenthesis({ e => TBinop(OpAdd,{ e => TParenthesis({ e => TBinop(OpSub,{ e => TSwiz({ e => TVar({ kind => Local, name => calculatedUV, type => TVec(2,VFloat), id => -195 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 406, min => 394 }, t => TVec(2,VFloat) },[X]), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 408, min => 394 }, t => TFloat },{ e => TSwiz({ e => TVar({ kind => Local, name => a, type => TVec(4,VFloat), id => -199 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 412, min => 411 }, t => TVec(4,VFloat) },[X]), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 414, min => 411 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 414, min => 394 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 415, min => 393 }, t => TFloat },{ e => TSwiz({ e => TVar({ kind => Local, name => a, type => TVec(4,VFloat), id => -199 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 419, min => 418 }, t => TVec(4,VFloat) },[Z]), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 421, min => 418 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 421, min => 393 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 422, min => 392 }, t => TFloat },{ e => TSwiz({ e => TVar({ kind => Local, name => a, type => TVec(4,VFloat), id => -199 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 426, min => 425 }, t => TVec(4,VFloat) },[Y]), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 428, min => 425 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 428, min => 392 }, t => TFloat },{ e => TSwiz({ e => TVar({ kind => Local, name => a, type => TVec(4,VFloat), id => -199 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 432, min => 431 }, t => TVec(4,VFloat) },[X]), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 434, min => 431 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 434, min => 392 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 434, min => 375 }, t => TFloat }]), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 440, min => 333 }, t => TVoid }, kind => Vertex, ref => { kind => Function, name => vertex, type => TFun([{ args => [], ret => TVoid }]), id => -198 }, ret => TVoid }], name => map.fx.TileAnim, vars => [{ kind => Local, name => calculatedUV, type => TVec(2,VFloat), id => -195 },{ kind => Function, name => vertex, type => TFun([{ args => [], ret => TVoid }]), id => -198 },{ kind => Param, name => animFrames, type => TArray(TVec(4,VFloat),SVar({ kind => Param, name => MaxAnims, type => TInt, qualifiers => [Const(null)], id => -196 })), id => -197 },{ kind => Param, name => MaxAnims, type => TInt, qualifiers => [Const(null)], id => -196 },{ kind => Input, name => input, type => TStruct([{ kind => Input, name => position, type => TVec(2,VFloat), parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -191 },{ kind => Input, name => uv, type => TVec(2,VFloat), parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -192 },{ kind => Input, name => color, type => TVec(4,VFloat), parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -193 },{ kind => Input, name => anim, type => TFloat, parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -194 }]), id => -190 }] }

Bad shader:

Main.hx:5: { funs => [{ args => [], expr => { e => TBlock([{ e => TVarDecl({ kind => Local, name => a, type => TVec(4,VFloat), id => -199 },{ e => TArray({ e => TVar({ kind => Param, name => animFrames, type => TArray(VFloat,SVar({ kind => Param, name => MaxAnims, type => TInt, qualifiers => [Const(null)], id => -196 })), id => -197 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 357, min => 347 }, t => { kind => Param, name => MaxAnims, type => TInt, qualifiers => [Const(null)], id => -196 } },{ e => TVar({ kind => Input, name => anim, type => TFloat, parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => TStruct([{ kind => Input, name => position, type => TVec(2,VFloat), parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -191 },{ kind => Input, name => uv, type => TVec(2,VFloat), parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -192 },{ kind => Input, name => color, type => TVec(4,VFloat), parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -193 },{ kind => Input, name => anim, type => TFloat, parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -194 }]), id => -190 }, id => -194 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 368, min => 358 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 369, min => 347 }, t => VFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 370, min => 339 }, t => TVoid },{ e => TBinop(OpAssign,{ e => TSwiz({ e => TVar({ kind => Local, name => calculatedUV, type => TVec(2,VFloat), id => -195 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 387, min => 375 }, t => TVec(2,VFloat) },[X]), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 389, min => 375 }, t => TFloat },{ e => TBinop(OpAdd,{ e => TBinop(OpMod,{ e => TParenthesis({ e => TBinop(OpAdd,{ e => TParenthesis({ e => TBinop(OpSub,{ e => TSwiz({ e => TVar({ kind => Local, name => calculatedUV, type => TVec(2,VFloat), id => -195 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 406, min => 394 }, t => TVec(2,VFloat) },[X]), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 408, min => 394 }, t => TFloat },{ e => TSwiz({ e => TVar({ kind => Local, name => a, type => TVec(4,VFloat), id => -199 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 412, min => 411 }, t => VFloat },[X]), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 414, min => 411 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 414, min => 394 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 415, min => 393 }, t => TFloat },{ e => TSwiz({ e => TVar({ kind => Local, name => a, type => TVec(4,VFloat), id => -199 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 419, min => 418 }, t => VFloat },[Z]), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 421, min => 418 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 421, min => 393 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 422, min => 392 }, t => TFloat },{ e => TSwiz({ e => TVar({ kind => Local, name => a, type => TVec(4,VFloat), id => -199 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 426, min => 425 }, t => VFloat },[Y]), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 428, min => 425 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 428, min => 392 }, t => TFloat },{ e => TSwiz({ e => TVar({ kind => Local, name => a, type => TVec(4,VFloat), id => -199 }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 432, min => 431 }, t => VFloat },[X]), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 434, min => 431 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 434, min => 392 }, t => TFloat }), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 434, min => 375 }, t => TFloat }]), p => { file => src/map/fx/TileGroupAnim.hx, max => 440, min => 333 }, t => TVoid }, kind => Vertex, ref => { kind => Function, name => vertex, type => TFun([{ args => [], ret => TVoid }]), id => -198 }, ret => TVoid }], name => map.fx.TileAnim, vars => [{ kind => Local, name => calculatedUV, type => TVec(2,VFloat), id => -195 },{ kind => Function, name => vertex, type => TFun([{ args => [], ret => TVoid }]), id => -198 },{ kind => Param, name => animFrames, type => TArray(VFloat,SVar({ kind => Param, name => MaxAnims, type => TInt, qualifiers => [Const(null)], id => -196 })), id => -197 },{ kind => Param, name => MaxAnims, type => TInt, qualifiers => [Const(null)], id => -196 },{ kind => Input, name => input, type => TStruct([{ kind => Input, name => position, type => TVec(2,VFloat), parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -191 },{ kind => Input, name => uv, type => TVec(2,VFloat), parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -192 },{ kind => Input, name => color, type => TVec(4,VFloat), parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -193 },{ kind => Input, name => anim, type => TFloat, parent => { kind => Input, name => input, type => <...>, id => -190 }, id => -194 }]), id => -190 }] }

As you can see, the TArray(TVec(4,VFloat),... was replaced by a TArray(VFloat,... which is incorrect. I guess it comes down to an issue with ObjectMap and enums in Flash but I could not come with a reproducible example.

I'll revert Serializer changes for now until we address the issue.

deltaluca commented 9 years ago

@MSGhero https://github.com/deltaluca/nape/issues/92

ncannasse commented 7 years ago

Unless we are planning to bring back Serializer changes we can close this.