HayesGordon / chatter

Demo chat application using Stream Chat Core
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Another exception was thrown: Bad state: No element #6

Open SoftDevCHD opened 2 years ago

SoftDevCHD commented 2 years ago

I am getting this when I swap between screens that use ChannelListView with different filters. It is as if stream returns the last reference to a channel list before applying the new filters. For example, I am in my direct messages, I display a set of channels with a certain filter, then I leave the page to go on a different page that has a ChannelListView. I will get a red screen error, then after a second, the error goes away and the proper widget is shown. The issue I am seeing is twofold, when I go to direct messages, the previous ChannelListView is shown for a second, then updates, and when I go to the other screen, I get red screen error. Here is the widget in one screen (Direct Messages)

              child: ChannelListView(

                filter: Filter.and(
                    Filter.equal('type', 'messaging'),
                    Filter.equal('event', false),
                emptyBuilder: (context) => noMessages(),
                errorBuilder: (context, error) => MessagesError(
                  error: error,
                loadingBuilder: (BuildContext context) =>
                    const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
                listBuilder: (context, channels) => ListView.builder(
                  itemCount: channels.length,
                  itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) =>
                      ChannelTile(channel: channels[index], uid: uid),

Here is the widget in the other screen

return stream.ChannelListView(
              filter: stream.Filter.raw(
                value: {
                  'cid': {
                    r'$in': events.map((e) => "messaging:${e.eid}").toList(),
                  'event': true,
                  'type': 'messaging',
              loadingBuilder: (BuildContext context) =>
                  const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
              emptyBuilder: (context) => noHostedEvents(),
              errorBuilder: (context, error) => MessagesError(
                error: error,
              listBuilder: (context, channels) {
                return ListView.builder(
                  itemCount: channels.length,
                  itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) =>
                    algoliaEvent: events.firstWhere(
                      (element) => element.eid == channels[index].id,
                    channel: channels[index],
HayesGordon commented 1 year ago

Hi, are you still experiencing this issue?

SoftDevCHD commented 1 year ago

No, I have found a workaround, so everything is fine for now haha.