[x] In GameInstance_ProjectM we load DLSS and other graphics settings in "Event Apply Graphics Settings" but that event only gets triggered when we apply changes in settings. We need DLSS and other settings to be loaded when starting PIE (or packaged game). Perhaps this should happen in GameInstance_ProjectM "Event Init".
[x] Also there may be a bug in GameInstance_ProjectM "Event Apply Graphics Settings" since the "Load Options" node is disconnected in the middle of the event graph. Figure out if we need to connect this, or delete all the disconnected nodes.
[x] Make sure that in PIE we don't load graphics settings which are controlled by editor e.g. it shouldn't switch resolution, full screen/windowed, etc. Just stuff like DLSS/FSR3.
Note that in packaged game it's possible that we already load some graphics settings e.g. resolution and full screen mode. Need to confirm.