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Compiler for writing DeepDive applications in a Datalog-like language — ⚠️🚧🛑 REPO MOVED TO DEEPDIVE 👇🏿
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not possible anymore to create views that are called by another extractor (error in deepdive compile) #69

Closed ThomasPalomares closed 8 years ago

ThomasPalomares commented 8 years ago

It seems now it's not possible anymore to create views that are called by another extractor. For instance, if I want to run an extractor from the element of a table and the unique element of another table, I used to run:

data1( x text). data2( y text). data3(x text, y text).

view1(x) *:- data1(x). data3 (x, y) :- view1(x), data2(y).

Now there is an error while running deepdive compile: jq: error (at run/20160107/172846.894332000/config.json:9197): process/ext_view1 has output_relation undefined in schema.json: 'data/view1'

It seems to expect a table for view1 and to fill out the entry data/view1.

ThomasPalomares commented 8 years ago

@netj suggestion to add in deepdive.conf: deepdive.schema.relations { view1 { "type": "view" } }

solves this issue, even if it's not the most convenient...