HazyResearch / deepdive

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How does Deepdive upload data into psql without Authentiaction? #663

Open Junwen-xie opened 6 years ago

Junwen-xie commented 6 years ago

Hello i am new here:

recently i am trying to learn deepdive to solve some problems. i start to reading the tutorial to process the article. here is some question i am so confused.

  1. give deepdive a single line of db.url my is "postgresql://localhost/testA" i did not give any database user info even no password (i have already set up the default root with a password..). it can still success to create db called testA. i want to know why..

  2. when processing deepdive do article. the system can auto connect to the db and processing the tsv files.... it is cool , i am interesting in this process and want know which shell script or someting else to control create database , upload and download these files..

thanks for your help. i know those question may seems stupid . but it confused me so much ....

zian92 commented 6 years ago

Change your hba config of your postgres installation to accept localhost connections.

MahmoudYounes commented 6 years ago

@zian92 you should mark some of the opened issues as solved. I think this issue is solved.