HazyResearch / hyena-dna

Official implementation for HyenaDNA, a long-range genomic foundation model built with Hyena
Apache License 2.0
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Bugs when I try to access the embeddings #62

Open HelloWorldLTY opened 3 months ago

HelloWorldLTY commented 3 months ago

Hi, I met a bug to access the embeddings from hyenaDNA, especially for the code:


Traceback (most recent call last): File "/gpfs/gibbs/pi/zhao/tl688/hyena-dna/evals/hg38_inference.py", line 115, in task = HG38Encoder(args.model_cfg, args.ckpt_path, max_seq_len=1024) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/gpfs/gibbs/pi/zhao/tl688/hyena-dna/evals/hg38_inference.py", line 34, in init self.model, self.tokenizer = self.load_model(model_cfg, ckpt_path) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/gpfs/gibbs/pi/zhao/tl688/hyena-dna/evals/hg38_inference.py", line 60, in load_model config = yaml.load(open(model_cfg, 'r'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './configs/evals/hyena_small_150b.yaml'

1633347510 commented 1 month ago

hello~do you know how to access the embeddings from hyenaDNA?

HelloWorldLTY commented 1 month ago

Yes, hi I finally can access it by referring the codes in the main text for generating embeddings:

#@title Huggingface Pretrained Wrapper


This is script is a simple HuggingFace wrapper around a HyenaDNA model, to enable a one click example
of how to load the pretrained weights and get embeddings.

It will instantiate a HyenaDNA model (model class is in the `standalone_hyenadna.py`), and handle the downloading of pretrained weights from HuggingFace.

Check out the colab notebook for a simpler and more complete walk through of how to use HyenaDNA with pretrained weights.


import json
import os
import subprocess
import torch
# import transformers
from transformers import PreTrainedModel
import re
from standalone_hyenadna import HyenaDNAModel
from standalone_hyenadna import CharacterTokenizer

# helper 1
def inject_substring(orig_str):
    """Hack to handle matching keys between models trained with and without
    gradient checkpointing."""

    # modify for mixer keys
    pattern = r"\.mixer"
    injection = ".mixer.layer"

    modified_string = re.sub(pattern, injection, orig_str)

    # modify for mlp keys
    pattern = r"\.mlp"
    injection = ".mlp.layer"

    modified_string = re.sub(pattern, injection, modified_string)

    return modified_string

# helper 2
def load_weights(scratch_dict, pretrained_dict, checkpointing=False):
    """Loads pretrained (backbone only) weights into the scratch state dict."""

    # loop thru state dict of scratch
    # find the corresponding weights in the loaded model, and set it

    # need to do some state dict "surgery"
    for key, value in scratch_dict.items():
        if 'backbone' in key:
            # the state dicts differ by one prefix, '.model', so we add that
            key_loaded = 'model.' + key
            # breakpoint()
            # need to add an extra ".layer" in key
            if checkpointing:
                key_loaded = inject_substring(key_loaded)
                scratch_dict[key] = pretrained_dict[key_loaded]
                raise Exception('key mismatch in the state dicts!')

    # scratch_dict has been updated
    return scratch_dict

class HyenaDNAPreTrainedModel(PreTrainedModel):
    An abstract class to handle weights initialization and a simple interface for downloading and loading pretrained
    base_model_prefix = "hyenadna"

    def __init__(self, config):

    def forward(self, input_ids, **kwargs):
        return self.model(input_ids, **kwargs)

    def from_pretrained(cls,
        # first check if it is a local path
        pretrained_model_name_or_path = os.path.join(path, model_name)
        if os.path.isdir(pretrained_model_name_or_path) and download == False:
            if config is None:
                config = json.load(open(os.path.join(pretrained_model_name_or_path, 'config.json')))
            hf_url = f'https://huggingface.co/LongSafari/{model_name}'

            subprocess.run(f'rm -rf {pretrained_model_name_or_path}', shell=True)
            command = f'mkdir -p {path} && cd {path} && git lfs install && git clone {hf_url}'
            subprocess.run(command, shell=True)

            if config is None:
                config = json.load(open(os.path.join(pretrained_model_name_or_path, 'config.json')))

        scratch_model = HyenaDNAModel(**config, use_head=use_head, n_classes=n_classes)  # the new model format
        loaded_ckpt = torch.load(
            os.path.join(pretrained_model_name_or_path, 'weights.ckpt'),

        # need to load weights slightly different if using gradient checkpointing
        if config.get("checkpoint_mixer", False):
            checkpointing = config["checkpoint_mixer"] == True or config["checkpoint_mixer"] == True
            checkpointing = False

        # grab state dict from both and load weights
        state_dict = load_weights(scratch_model.state_dict(), loaded_ckpt['state_dict'], checkpointing=checkpointing)

        # scratch model has now been updated
        print("Loaded pretrained weights ok!")
        return scratch_model


"""# Inference (450k to 1M tokens)!

If all you're interested in is getting embeddings on long DNA sequences
(inference), then we can do that right here in Colab!

*   We provide an example how to load the weights from Huggingface.
*   On the free tier, which uses a
T4 GPU w/16GB of memory, we can process 450k tokens / nucleotides.
*   For processing 1M tokens, you'll need an A100, which Colab offers as a paid tier.
*   (Don't forget to run the entire notebook above too)


To pretrain or fine-tune the 1M long sequence model (8 layers, d_model=256),
you'll need 8 A100s 80GB, and all that code is in the main repo!

#@title Single example
import json
import os
import subprocess
# import transformers
from transformers import PreTrainedModel
from transformers import AutoModel

def inference_single(sequence='ACGT'):

    this selects which backbone to use, and grabs weights/ config from HF
    4 options:
      'hyenadna-tiny-1k-seqlen'   # fine-tune on colab ok
      'hyenadna-medium-160k-seqlen'  # inference only on colab
      'hyenadna-medium-450k-seqlen'  # inference only on colab
      'hyenadna-large-1m-seqlen'  # inference only on colab

    # you only need to select which model to use here, we'll do the rest!
    pretrained_model_name = 'hyenadna-large-1m-seqlen'

    max_lengths = {
        'hyenadna-tiny-1k-seqlen': 1024,
        'hyenadna-small-32k-seqlen': 32768,
        'hyenadna-medium-160k-seqlen': 160000,
        'hyenadna-medium-450k-seqlen': 450000,  # T4 up to here
        'hyenadna-large-1m-seqlen': 1_000_000,  # only A100 (paid tier)

    max_length = max_lengths[pretrained_model_name]  # auto selects

    # data settings:
    use_padding = True
    rc_aug = False  # reverse complement augmentation
    add_eos = False  # add end of sentence token

    # we need these for the decoder head, if using
    use_head = False
    n_classes = 2  # not used for embeddings only

    # you can override with your own backbone config here if you want,
    # otherwise we'll load the HF one in None
    backbone_cfg = None

    device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
#     print("Using device:", device)

    # instantiate the model (pretrained here)
    if pretrained_model_name in ['hyenadna-tiny-1k-seqlen',
        # use the pretrained Huggingface wrapper instead
        model = HyenaDNAPreTrainedModel.from_pretrained(
#         model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("LongSafari/hyenadna-tiny-1k-seqlen") 

    # from scratch
    elif pretrained_model_name is None:
        model = HyenaDNAModel(**backbone_cfg, use_head=use_head, n_classes=n_classes)

    # create tokenizer
    tokenizer = CharacterTokenizer(
        characters=['A', 'C', 'G', 'T', 'N'],  # add DNA characters, N is uncertain
        model_max_length=max_length + 2,  # to account for special tokens, like EOS
        add_special_tokens=False,  # we handle special tokens elsewhere
        padding_side='left', # since HyenaDNA is causal, we pad on the left

    #### Single embedding example ####

    # create a sample 450k long, prepare
#     sequence = 'ACTG' * int(max_length/4)
    tok_seq = tokenizer(sequence)
    tok_seq = tok_seq["input_ids"]  # grab ids

    # place on device, convert to tensor
    tok_seq = torch.LongTensor(tok_seq).unsqueeze(0)  # unsqueeze for batch dim
    tok_seq = tok_seq.to(device)

    # prep model and forward
#     print(tok_seq)
    with torch.inference_mode():
        embeddings = model(tok_seq)

#     print(embeddings.mean(axis=1).shape)  # embeddings here!

    return embeddings
1633347510 commented 1 month ago

thank you very much for your response!