HclX / WyzeHacks

Hacks I discovered allowing Wyze camera owners to do customizations
MIT License
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FTP Access #11

Closed FredFlintstoneLOL closed 4 years ago

FredFlintstoneLOL commented 4 years ago

How difficult would it be to make a fork that leaves the SD card intact but runs an FTP server so that we get both local storage and the opportunity to grab the recordings for more redundancy instead of relying on the NFS share availability?

tomatensaus commented 4 years ago

you will have too compile the binary in this format

ELF 32-bit LSB executable, MIPS, MIPS32 rel2 version 1 (SYSV)

HclX commented 4 years ago

check the dafang hacks firmware, I believe they have ftp daemon somewhere, or at least the compilation toolchain to build a ftp server for this device.