HclX / WyzeHacks

Hacks I discovered allowing Wyze camera owners to do customizations
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Is there a way to have a .bashrc created for the root user? #126

Closed delovelady closed 2 years ago

delovelady commented 3 years ago

Perhaps this question is not specifically for this topic, but I don't know a better place to ask. And anyway, perhaps someone here knows. I will delete this on request if it doesn't belong.

I tried to create a .bashrc for the root user upon accessing the camera by telnet. The result was an error stating that the directory is read-only mounted.

There are certain things I put into .bashrc (or .profile) for every system I access. For example, "set -o vi" and disabling of color (my distaste for linux's universally unreadable color selections cannot be overstated! Black on blue!?!?! Really?!?!?!). And so on. Is there a way to accomplish this?

Thanks, Dennis

endertable commented 3 years ago

The cam was really not meant for user space nor user environment and so they did not build bash or any other fancy shell into their busybox binary, only sh I believe. There are ways to kludge what you may be wanting depending on are you looking to execute things on system level (maybe /etc/profile) or user only.

HclX commented 2 years ago

nop, it's not a full fledged linux system, bashrc is not something supported.