HclX / WyzeHacks

Hacks I discovered allowing Wyze camera owners to do customizations
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replacing df with ls for nfs check #130

Closed pygmymarmoset closed 2 years ago

pygmymarmoset commented 3 years ago

The check_nfs df breaks and exits 1 on large nfs shares and causes the camera to keep rebooting.

[root@WyzeCam-C428:~]# df || echo broken 
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 3712      3712         0 100% /
tmpfs                    45736       652     45084   1% /dev
tmpfs                    45736       940     44796   2% /tmp
tmpfs                    45736         8     45728   0% /run
media                    45736         0     45736   0% /media
/dev/mtdblock3            3584      3584         0 100% /system
/dev/mtdblock6             384       120       264  31% /configs
df: /mnt: Value too large for defined data type
df: /media/mmcblk0p1: Value too large for defined data type

Using ls should provide the same functionality (verifying nfs is working), and works correctly in my testing (shut down nfs server and it failed as expected).