HclX / WyzeHacks

Hacks I discovered allowing Wyze camera owners to do customizations
MIT License
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TypeError: 'str' object is not callable #141

Open alwzfolwd opened 2 years ago

alwzfolwd commented 2 years ago

im trying ./remote_install.sh on a Wyze Cam Pan running Firmware version Plugin version everything went fine and dandy until...

┌──(toxictech㉿Master)-[~/Downloads] └─$ ./remote_install.sh Found local config file, including into firmware update archive... Upgrade/config.inc Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (2.25.1) INFO:root:Trying saved credentials from /home/toxictech/.wyze_token. INFO:root:No saved credentials found, logging in with username/password... Please enter the account name:*****.com Please enter the password:* Using phone SMS for 2FA Enter the verification code:** verification code: ** INFO:root:Credentials saved to /home/toxictech/.wyze_token. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/toxictech/Downloads/./wyze_updater.py", line 362, in args.action(creds, args) TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

Not sure if this is a script error (havent gotten that far yet) or if, as i just realized, the sdcard is unavailable. However, i replaced the SD and the problem persists. Would this happen if say the SD slot has malfunctioned, or perhaps i am way off. But, thats why I'm here. :) Much appreciated!


alwzfolwd commented 2 years ago


virmaior commented 2 years ago

probably an issue with a special character in your username or password not getting escaped properly.