HclX / WyzeHacks

Hacks I discovered allowing Wyze camera owners to do customizations
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No Video on NFS #19

Closed agrieco closed 4 years ago

agrieco commented 4 years ago

Having the same issue as documented here: https://github.com/HclX/WyzeHacks/issues/18 but mine hasn't gone away.

I see a time_lapse, alarm directory and a few text files in the target NFS share- so I know its writing files fine. within the alarm directory, I see new directories created every day, with a couple of jpgs in them.

Any idea what gives? thanks

thompatry commented 4 years ago

Just a few questions, what size is your NFS share? What is the partition type? (NFTS, FAT32, etc)

agrieco commented 4 years ago

ZFS is the underlying FS. Size is 4T

thompatry commented 4 years ago

Do you have a small flash drive or external that is 1TB or less? If so, create a ZFS partition on it and make a NFS share and report back.

I had a weird issues just like you but I was using an 8TB Ext4 partition and it would create the folders and such but never record anything. I ended up partitioning off 1TB partition on the drive and set a NFS share for that and it works. I think the camera kernel cannot handle very large drives.

agrieco commented 4 years ago

That must be it. I don't have an easy way to create a small ZFS partition but created a share on a different host with ext4 partition and it worked like a champ.

This is great- thanks for the work. I wonder if there is any chance of getting to the bottom of the blocking using a larger partition?

thompatry commented 4 years ago

It could be a kernel limitation. Someone would have to dig in and look.

alexschneider commented 4 years ago

In case anyone else is using FreeBSD / ZFS like me, I found a workaround using the instructions here: https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/disks-virtual.html

I think that you lose a lot of the benefits of ZFS by doing this, and I have no idea how resilient the recordings are at this point (so you might want to have a cronjob copy them somewhere else on your filesystem periodically)

# this command will create a file for backing your filesystem that's 512gb. If you want larger or smaller just adjust the bs/count numbers
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=CameraFS bs=1G count=512 # this took about 4 minutes for me
# If you get an error you can change `-u 1` to `-u 2` or `-u 3` or so on. Make sure to change `md1` in future commands to the number you picked here
$ mdconfig -f CameraFS -u 1
$ bsdlabel -w md1 auto
$ newfs -U md1a
# Replace `Cameras` with whatever folder you've set up for NFS. Make sure to move all content in the folder prior to running this command (the folder must be empty).
$ mount /dev/md1a Cameras
# You will likely have to fix permissions after doing this
$ chmod -R alex Cameras/

After this is finished, you'll need to restart all your cameras so they start writing to the right location.

stephenjamieson commented 4 years ago

:wave: , you can set a quota which works as well.

zfs set quota=512G path