HclX / WyzeHacks

Hacks I discovered allowing Wyze camera owners to do customizations
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Validate NFS is not working? #67

Closed isaacrlevin closed 3 years ago

isaacrlevin commented 3 years ago

Just went through the steps yesterday to set this up on a Wyze cam, got notification that the firmware was updated by the camera. I do not however see files being put on to my NFS share, and there is no SD card detected by the Wyze app . Is there a way for me to determine if my NFS settings are incorrect , as I am able to mount the share onto a Raspberry Pi

famewolf commented 3 years ago

Try reinstalling several times/rebooting the camera's. Took a while to get my 4 writing to the nfs...worse...if the nfs ever goes down even briefly (ie the pi having to reboot) some of the camera's seem to go into limbo and never recover....they just quit writing entirely til the cam gets rebooted. There ought to be some check to see if nfs is available and remount it at least every 10 minutes or so. I've lost hours of footage due to the camera being in limbo and the author does NOT provide an uninstall. I've spent hours on this and trying to get wyzecam-hls working where the instuctions are vague and incomplete. They don't list prerequisites like installing nodejs and it's required modules. They don't show examples of the config with multiple camera's (ie json rules require {} around each and a COMMA at end to go to next camera. This has alot of promise but from what I've seen the author is unreponsive to issues based on the existing open issues, some going back to september.

isaacrlevin commented 3 years ago

@famewolf does it work better with or without an SD card installed while running the script.

famewolf commented 3 years ago

I'd say it runs the same...the only reason I have sd cards in is because they were ALREADY in and mounted high on outside of house so not easily removed. I like the idea of it writing to nfs but personally I'd be just as happy if it wrote to BOTH places so I could have it in the camera for when wifi drops/power fails (you can put battery packs on the cam wires to keep the camera's going for HOURS) while also giving me a central point where the video is saved like more expensive camera systems. I'm using a raspberry pi with a hard drive dock plugged into the usb 3.0 port which allows for rotating drives on a monthly basis for example. (So if for some reason you need to see last month's footage you'd have it availabe).

To be clear, it REPLACES the sd mount with a link to the nfs share so it does one or the other, not both. I don't see why he couldn't mount the share seperate and write to both personally.

HclX commented 3 years ago

@isaacrlevin telnet into the camera and try to mount it manually. there are many settings on an NFS server and the kernel of the camera was built probably only for a specific combination of settings. If you can manually mount the share from the camera, the same settings should work.