Healix / Gw2Launcher

Manages and allows for multiple Guild Wars 2 clients to be launched
MIT License
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Taco in just one account #124

Open Christoferthz opened 2 years ago

Christoferthz commented 2 years ago

Hello, I wanted to ask if you can use Taco when the game is already running, I like to use taco for some things, not always, is there a button that when pressed executes taco in the account that I am using? or do I have to exit, add it to launch options and re-enter

Healix commented 2 years ago

Adding the ability to manually launch a configured program is on my todo list. Right now you'd have to re-launch the account with it configured to run taco, or make your own shortcut (in Windows) to launch taco.

Christoferthz commented 2 years ago

How can I create a taco shortcut that runs while using gw 2 launcher?

Healix commented 2 years ago

First, accounts needs to have a unique mumble name. Right click the account you want it on > Edit > Launch options. Enable mumble link name with the default value (MumbleLink_%accountid%). Now look under the statistics tab for the ID of the account.

Right click GW2TacO.exe and create a shortcut. Right click the shortcut and select properties. Modify the target of the shortcut like this: "C:\Example\GW2TacO.exe" -mumble MumbleLink_1 (replace 1 with the ID of the account)

Use the shortcut whenever you want to launch taco for that account.

Christoferthz commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much, I have already gotten it to work on an account while it is running

Christoferthz commented 2 years ago

I wanted to ask a question, but I don't know if it is necessary to open another topic, why do I make changes to an account and they are not saved? I want to change the daily achievements so that they are the personalized list, but when I restart they return to default, and with the graphic changes the same happens

Healix commented 2 years ago

GW2 won't save any "local" settings while it's allowing multiple clients to start. To make changes to these settings, you have to launch by right clicking the account > Selected > Launch (normal).

toastk32 commented 1 year ago

Hi Healix, I have a question with setting up Taco when using Gw2launcher. I read through your instructions above and I'm still having trouble getting Taco to show up after I logged in.

Here is what I've done.

I do have BlishHud launching on startup via the "Run after starting" section in the Gw2Launcher so I'm not sure if that is conflicting with Taco.

Healix commented 1 year ago

The above instructions were for creating a shortcut in Windows to manually to start it. If you were to run that shortcut while playing, it should work. If it doesn't, ensure you've enabled the mumble link name option with the default value of "MumbleLink_%accountid%".

If you wanted Gw2Launcher to automatically start it, add it to run after launching:

The program to run: C:\Example\GW2TacO.exe

Optional command line arguments: -mumble MumbleLink_%accountid%

Run after... Loading a character (beta version) / the game

toastk32 commented 1 year ago

I got it working! What I did wrong was in the "mumble link name" option, I thought I needed to put my actual gw2 accountid in MumbleLink_%accountid% like MumbleLink_%toastk32.####%. I was also able to get Blishud and Taco working together in game so thanks for the help!