Healix / Gw2Launcher

Manages and allows for multiple Guild Wars 2 clients to be launched
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Not able to get GW Radial (mount wheel) addon to work with GW2 Launcher #191

Open Ashanielle opened 1 year ago

Ashanielle commented 1 year ago

I'm not able to get GW2 Radial (mount wheel) addon to work with GW2 Launcher. I am a brand new user keep that in mind. I think I have my setting correct though. I've looked through other issues and all the read me's etc and can't figure this out. It launches fine when launching the accounts outside of GW2 Launcher so I've confirmed the addon itself is ok. No strange logs in the log files either. gw2 launcher settings

Healix commented 1 year ago

DX11? Disable localized execution or use the beta version (the release version won't include DLLs in the main folder). If it still doesn't work, delete the Gw2Launcher folder in the main GW2 folder (if using localized execution) and ensure the account is actually using DX11 by launching the game to at least character select, then right clicking any account > Tools > Guild Wars 2 > Verify usage of DX11.

Note localized execution is only required if you're using DX9 or want to configure addons per account. When enabled, each account is given its own GW2 folder, so if you want to add an addon to a specific account, it has to be added to that account's folder. Folders are created when you launch the account, are numbered by the account's ID (Edit > Statistics) and located under the Gw2Launcher folder in the main GW2 folder.

Ashanielle commented 1 year ago

That was it. I am using DX11, and disabling localized execution worked. /facepalm lol not sure how I missed that was only for dx9. Live and learn! I really appreciate the help. And I want you to know I've been using GW2 Launchbuddy for years and finally got fed up with having to fix everything with every patch. You've earned a loyal user. Really appreciate you and this application.

Zyga21 commented 1 year ago

Hey I'm having the same issue with arcdps, except I don't have localized execution enabled and it still doesn't work, and I tried the beta version and that doesn't seem to do anything either. image

Ashanielle commented 1 year ago

Hey I'm having the same issue with arcdps, except I don't have localized execution enabled and it still doesn't work, and I tried the beta version and that doesn't seem to do anything either. image

You may want to try the already open issue on Arc DPs - https://github.com/Healix/Gw2Launcher/issues/188

Zyga21 commented 1 year ago

I've tried everything in that thread, it just seems like this one is closer to the issue I'm having

Ashanielle commented 1 year ago

Well, I thought I had this fixed, but my settings keep getting wiped out on gw2radial for some reason. Any insight as to why that might be? Never had that issue before with the other gw2 launcher. image

Healix commented 1 year ago

By default, settings for addons are shared between accounts. I'm assuming this addon doesn't support sharing / multiple instances. What happens is - 1 client locks the settings while loading/saving, so if another another client tries to load in that moment, it fails and uses default settings. If this happened, Radial should have complained on launch about it not being able to access its configuration. If not, you could check gw2radial.log in the account's folder for more information; note this file is cleared on launch.

To avoid this problem, you'll need to remove this addon from each account and manually copy the addons/gw2radial folder to each account so its settings aren't shared. In a future build I'll simply assume all addons don't support sharing (I currently only have arc and d912pxy as exceptions).

Ashanielle commented 1 year ago

Thanks so much Healix!

toastk32 commented 1 year ago

In a future build I'll simply assume all addons don't support sharing (I currently only have arc and d912pxy as exceptions).

Were you able to add the feature to disable support sharing for the gw2radial addon? I'm currently having the issue of gw2radial launching on every alt account and it keeps resetting my keybind settings on my main account.

Healix commented 1 year ago

Were you able to add the feature to disable support sharing for the gw2radial addon?

Surprisingly no. It was only 1 line change, so I slipped it into the beta version.

If auto syncing of addons is enabled, it'll automatically change it to not be shared, otherwise resync or delete all Gw2-64.exe files from the Gw2Launcher folder to force it. Only .json and .ini files won't be shared between accounts, which should be fine for most addons.

Just to be clear, this requires localized execution set to full.