Healix / Gw2Launcher

Manages and allows for multiple Guild Wars 2 clients to be launched
MIT License
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What happens if I move my gw2 install location? #331

Open KaptainO opened 1 year ago

KaptainO commented 1 year ago

I just picked up a new SSD and I want to move GW2 on to it. Will that require me to set up all my gw2launcher profiles and dat files and various addons again? Will it "just work" with no input from me? Is there something simple I can just go in and change and have it work?

Thanks so much for a great product and any advice you can give me on this!

Healix commented 1 year ago

You can just move it and Gw2Launcher will ask where GW2 is located the next time you try to launch it.

If you're using localized execution, you'll have a Gw2Launcher folder where GW2 is located. Don't copy this folder, since it'll covert all of the links into real files. If you want to copy it, search the Gw2Launcher folder for Gw2* and delete all of the found files, specifically Gw2-64.exe and Gw2.dat.

KaptainO commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the superspeedy response!

I am using localized execution, excluding addons, full, core. I had already copied the folder over (but hadn't tried running anything) so I'll delete those files before trying.

One thing I noticed is both the new location and original location gw2launcher folder show as being 1.36TB. This might be why I needed a new SSD. I feel like it's not supposed to take up that much space and I probably did something wrong. Will deleting the Gw2-64.exe and Gw2.dat files resolve this or is it just going to recreate them? Any guesses what I may have done and/or any protips on how to fix or not make the same mistake in the future?

Healix commented 1 year ago

The files in the Gw2Launcher folder are mostly links, which are files that have been given multiple paths. Windows doesn't make you aware of this, so they'll look like any other file, but if you were to delete them, the actual disk usage won't change. Since you copied the folder however, the files were converted into real files, so it actually is 1.36 TB, whereas previously, it would have been around 1 MB per account (excluding addons) of actual disk space.

Deleting Gw2.dat and Gw2-64.exe will cause Gw2Launcher to recreate them as links. Deleting the bin64 folder will save another ~345 MB per account, but you may have addons in there. It may be simpler to just rename the Gw2Launcher folder, launch all applicable accounts to recreate the folders, then copy the old folder on top of it, skipping any files that already exist.