Health-RI / health-ri-metadata

health ri metadata schemas
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Core rule change #74

Closed KarolisCremers closed 4 months ago

KarolisCremers commented 6 months ago

should be according to: Images/1.0_plateau1/HRICoreSchemaReleasePlateau1.jpg

If I'm understanding the core rules incorrectly and it should be a title please let me know.

I also would like to be informed whether the agent shape: in the catalog shape file is inheriting the property requirements from the ontology.

brunasv commented 6 months ago

Our validator is now updated with the latest shapes available on GitHub. Please use these new shapes for validation. If you encounter any issues, let us know. The interface may appear slightly different as we've streamlined it to use only one set of shapes. We've removed all old and unnecessary shapes.

Please try the updated validator and report any issues. If problems persist, we can schedule a meeting or session to troubleshoot together. Thank you for being part of the development process. We apologize for any inconvenience as we work to resolve any issues together. You can find the latest shapes on GitHub here.

Hope this helps, Bruna on behalf of Health-RI

brunasv commented 6 months ago

Hi Karolis, Can you point me to " property requirements from the ontology." , thanks!

KarolisCremers commented 6 months ago

Hi Karolis, Can you point me to " property requirements from the ontology." , thanks! As defined at the top of the file:

The definitions that follow indicate which fundemental requirements are to be followed to onboard metadata. I interpret this in a way that any class property defined in this file have to be present in any of its uses and that the seperate shapes extend the property requirements.

The ontology in the following file defines an agent shape in this way:

So am I correct in thinking that all agents across the shapes should have a dc:title and dc:identifier (as sh:mincCount = 1)? And that the agent associated to "publisher" for a catalog has an additional property requirement of foaf:name?:

I'm assuming that the CoreRules.shapes.ttl and PiecesShape SHACL files are related to each-other.

Hope this helps, I'm not entirely sure if I'm using the correct language so sorry for the confusion in advance.

brunasv commented 5 months ago

no problem, @xiaofengleo can you help here? (Also the pieces shapre is the correct shacl, we are cleaning the git, sorry for the confusion)

xiaofengleo commented 4 months ago

The CoreRules.shapes.ttl mentioned is removed since split the shapes into each class corresponding to the core metadata diagram. According to the diagram, the foaf:agent only contains foaf:name and dct:identifier.

This reflection can be found in the latest schacl in the develop branch,

The master branch has a shacl that works fine now in Radboudumc fdp and UMCG fdp.

Will merge the develop into master soon.

brunasv commented 4 months ago

XiaoFeng, maybe point the link to the correct shapes once more, and then I think we can close the issue (if @KarolisCremers agrees).

KarolisCremers commented 4 months ago

Sounds good to me!