Health-RI / health-ri-metadata

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How to import Shacl files in the FDP via the Website(UI) #99

Open priya-gitTest opened 5 months ago

priya-gitTest commented 5 months ago

How to import these files in FDP ?

kburger commented 5 months ago

Hi @priya-gitTest,

  1. Make sure you are logged in as an admin user.
  2. Click on your user icon in the top right of the UI, and select the "Metadata schemas" option.
  3. Here you see a list of schemas. Click on the schema you want to update (for example Catalog).
  4. The last field on this page shows the Form definition. Here you can paste the shape definitions as found in the PiecesShape folder.
  5. Click Save and release on the bottom of the page.
  6. Select a version number
  7. Click Release.

The schema should now be updated. A proper description of this process, as well as a more user friendly way to import the files, are in progress.

Hope this helps.

priya-gitTest commented 5 months ago

Thanks Kees. I can import the SHACL file. I have now run into a few new issues though...

  1. I cannot import the previously importable catalog and get <Response [400]>.
  2. Cannot update the existing Catalog : Error : Unable to update entity data.
  3. also cannot delete the existing ones. It was possible earlier.
priya-gitTest commented 5 months ago


I checked the file I wanted to import via code and their it seems to be validated but somehow, cannot do it via the code on FDP after putting in SHACL Catalog. Not sure what goes wrong their and I get the <Response [400]>.