HealthCatalyst / Fabric.Cashmere

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Icon Refresh #1601

Open corykon opened 3 years ago

corykon commented 3 years ago

We could use some refreshing to our icons set as well as our documentation and guidance around icons.

1. Refresh & consolidate icons We need get on font awesome V6. The v4 stuff is dated. (Could consider waiting for v6.) We also have a bunch of custom icons sometimes we recommend our own particular custom icons over something font awesome has. Would be cool to have one big collection of approved font awesome stuff, and our custom stuff. Just one place to go for recommend/pre approved icons. We could package this refreshed set up as a single recommended set. Using a custom set that include font awesome stuff would preferable to installing ALL of font awesome alongside our custom set. (related: #1542, #1600)

2. More guidance on what icons to use In some place we could document what particular icons are generally for with in a UI, to maintain consistency.

3. Helper classes We could provide a set of helper classes for icons that do common things like sizing, rotating, animating, coloring, etc.

4. Custom fonts w/ IcoMoon For devs willing to go another step, it might be nice to include a section on the icons page (or a guide somewhere else) that lays out the process of rolling a custom icon font w/ IcoMoon. For Popbuilder, we use a combo of hc-icons, fontAwesome icons, and custom icons, and roll them into a single font file. This is more efficient size-wise compared to options number 1.

corykon commented 3 years ago

We have instructions on adding new icons to our custom icon font in the popbuilder readme that could a starting point for putting together a more general guide

IcoMoon Guide (see number 4 above)

We are currently using a custom icon font for our icon system. The icons used for this font are svg files found in client/images/svg. To use an icon, apply the icon-[nameoficon] class to an element, and that icon will be added to a :before psuedo element. Available icon classes can be found in client/app/assests/styles/icons/styles.scss. Never make a change in this file, as this code is generated by the IcoMoon app. There are helper classes for icons located in client/app/assests/styles/icons/_icons.scss. (Common things like rotated versions of icons, Filter type icons with background colors, etc.) This file can be edited/added to as needed.

To add an icon, follow this process:

corykon commented 2 years ago

logout image

address-book image

corykon commented 3 months ago

Adding a note to go update the "Info Icons & Help Text" page to use the updated info icon.
