HealthHackAu2015 / website-2015

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researchers page should be "problem owners" #7

Open minillinim opened 9 years ago

minillinim commented 9 years ago

or something similar

sauramaia commented 9 years ago

here's what we sent researchers last year, probably a good start for content:

What to expect at a hackathon


But I have no idea what kind of problem I can bring! / My problems are different! / I have no idea what I'm doing!

Not to worry. Speak to one of the organisers. We can usually help tease out something small enough that a group of people can solve over a weekend, but large enough that it would make a difference. Even if you think this is weird, have a chat with an organiser and see what's possible.

I have lots of ideas! Can I bring them all to the hackathon?

You can certainly bring more than one! You can pitch several ideas and ask a group to choose one, or suggest two groups work on different ones. We suggest no more than two problems per problem owner. If you have lots of ideas, we suggest you bring another scientist to the weekend to act as problem owner for some of them.

Will there be food?

Yes! We will provide food, alcohol, and caffeinated and non-caffeinated beverages over the weekend. Each city will be doing things slightly differently, but you'll know ahead of time what to expect. We will be catering for vegetarians and those with lactose and gluten intolerances, please let us know when you register if there are other ways we can help look after you.

What if nobody wants works on my problem?

Sometimes it happens that an idea just doesn't get the attention it deserves, through no fault of anyone's - maybe there aren't the right skills in the room, or there is lots of interest in something else. In that case you are welcome to stay and participate - perhaps join another team and provide your expertise, or you are welcome to go home and have an unexpectedly free weekend.

What do I need to bring?

A laptop and enthusiasm. We'll have whiteboards, paper, sticky notes, sharpies etc. If you think of anything else that might be necessary, let us know as early as possible.

I have another question...

We are always happy to help.