HealthITAU / pyconnectwise

A library for simplifying interactions with the ConnectWise Manage API in Python
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Configurations extraction #23

Open ssirag opened 7 months ago

ssirag commented 7 months ago

I'm trying to use the library to export the full list of active configs, but I'm only getting a subset. How can I get a complete dump of all configurations for a specified company?

ssirag commented 7 months ago

I've reviewed the pageSize limits referenced, but even with pageSize 1000 I only get 25 items at a time.

EMoonArchiTech commented 7 months ago

Hi ssirag, I've managed to do this for my own environment with no issue. Can you share the section of the code you're using to pull the CI's?

See my own below.

manage_api_client = ConnectWiseManageAPIClient(...)

config_search =, 1000)

# and then later iterate through items in those pages like so:

config_list = []
for config in config_search.all():
Yoshify commented 7 months ago

Unfortunately I am also unable to replicate this issue - @ssirag, could you perhaps share your code or some information about your environment?

EMoonArchiTech commented 4 months ago

Maybe we should close this one off for inactivity?