Closed baskaufs closed 2 years ago
Sent email to Kenny Moore, the rec center director on 2022-03-17 asking for permission to use the field.
Notes from emails: 2022-03-18 Scott Martin suggests some kind of barrier cones to delineate where people should stay back. Link to VU weather station: It includes anemometer values for windspeed. He suggested:
we should probably put together a 1 page info packet to give risk management. All those things like, weight, spotters, distance, wind speed thresholds, flight time, engine info, flight time, distance barricade for students from the launch pad, pictures, etc.
Did some calculations based on . If the rocket achieves the desired 14 m/s before leaving the launch rod, the windspeed could be up to 2.4 m/s (5 mi./h) to keep the angle of attack under 10 degrees. 3.7 m/s (8.3 mi./h) would keep it under 15 degrees.
More from Major Thomas: We should call VUPS at (615) 322-2745 to let them know the field we are in so patrol officers and our dispatch will know.
About LifeFlight:
I agree if we can use the same planning and notification process as the standard drone request to keep Flight communications aware of: Point of contact on the field, launch time, rocket highest altitude (ideally under 100 ft AGL) conclusion of the event.
Flight Communications can advise any helicopters approaching/departing the area to avoid the launch area.
Thank you Jeff Gray MA, EMT-P Manager, LifeFlight Emergency Communications & RMCC Region 5 / Nashville MedCom Phone 615-322-8066 | Mobile Phone 931-580-0281
The LifeFlight phone number is (615) 322-3211. Another note from Jeff Gray:
If the rocket only goes 150 ft AGL that will still be below the height of the helipads. We will just need to know when you are launching so we can alert the pilots as needed. Pilots get a bit nervous when they see things flying at or near their helicopters.
Nothing was said about the MyVU think when we got approval, so I'm assuming there is nothing for us to do there.
Met with Facilities review committee on 2022-03-17. Action items: