Now that all of the ETDs are in Wikidata, there are some potential next steps.
[x] Finish going through the potential matches for committee members here and add them to the items. In most cases, the faculty are already in Wikidata, but for whatever reason, the disambiguate_authors() function of process_etd_data.ipynb missed matching them. I think some better fuzzy matching against known Vanderbilt researcher names would eliminate the need to do this entirely manually.
[x] Try to figure out a way to automate the assignment of main subjects based on the departments or something.
[x] Figure out if there is any way to determine who the chair of the committee was. I was assuming it was the first-listed person on the committee, but that didn't always seem to hold true. There are also many cases where only a fraction of the committee members were listed in the database output when compared to the title page. I don't know if this would have to be just a huge manual job or if there is any way to automate some of it. I suppose going back to the original dump and making use of the advisor column might help. However, since VanderBot can't add qualifiers, it would mean adding the capability to delete the statements, then re-add them with the qualifier "chair".
[x] The item pages show the committee member property flagged because the works don't have number of pages. That's kind of stupid, but is there a way we could find the number of pages (from the catalog???) and add them without manually looking up all 6000 of them?
At our 2022-04-25 meeting we talked about these items. Some notes on what we decided.
We would meet one more time for the spring on May 9 at our normal time (10 AM). Charlotte and Chris will bring spreadsheets with Zotero output for us to look at and we'll talk about property/field mappings etc. Articles and books are the lowest hanging fruit, with book chapters coming after that.
We decided to defer on working on main subjects for now, but we might do something like an edit-a-thon on the fall to work on it and also broaden the exposure of our work and Wikidata in general.
We talked about number of pages and decided it just wasn't that important and would be too much work to figure out.
Steve is going to keep working on the matching of committee members with VU scholars/researchers as part of the ongoing work. It will overlap with the Zotero export work.
Group members also indicated that they were good with continuing the group in the fall.
Now that all of the ETDs are in Wikidata, there are some potential next steps.
function of process_etd_data.ipynb missed matching them. I think some better fuzzy matching against known Vanderbilt researcher names would eliminate the need to do this entirely manually.