Heart-of-the-Machine / heart-of-the-machine

Heart of the Machine ModFest 1.16 entry
MIT License
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Server kicks me while trying to get through a nectere portal #2

Closed Strumero closed 4 years ago

Strumero commented 4 years ago


meelock commented 4 years ago

Please upload a full log from the logs folder in your minecraft server folder. Thanks!

Kneelawk commented 4 years ago

This is caused by the server missing the Nectere dimension when the player tries to teleport to it. The previous version of Heart of the Machine had an issue where it would not create the Nectere dimension on dedicated servers, though this can also happen if you added Heart of the Machine after creating the world. This issue has been fixed, but in order to force the creation of the Nectere dimension on your server for a world that doesn't have it already, you just need to create a file named force-hotm in the same directory as the server.jar and restart the server.

Kneelawk commented 4 years ago

However, I should make it so that attempting to teleport in a server that is missing the Nectere dimension will just send you a chat message instead of kicking you.

Kneelawk commented 4 years ago

Currently the quick fix for dedicated servers is to add a file named force-hotm in the same directory as the server's server.jar file.

I feel this is a bit of a hack and there needs to be a better way to configure retroactively adding the Nectere dimension to a world.

Kneelawk commented 4 years ago

I am closing this issue because the crash and kick are technically fixed by 6046515 which is a part of the 0.1.2 beta release available on CurseForge. I will be continuing discussion of the retro-generation configuration in a separate issue: #3.