The last major hurdle of functionality we need before the storm of CSS and diagrams. This servlet should be locked behind the employee role and handle redirecting the user to the respective JSP pages. We need the following two jsp pages:
Tray management
Inventory management
Tray management:
Should display the following informatoin
Non-Stale baked trays
Currently baking trays
There should be a interface to allow the user to add a new tray.
Should be a fairly straight forward form have a drop menu for each of the donuts on the menu and a submit button
Add that tray to the currently baking trays
Inventory Management:
Displays all the currently active orders in the database.
Combine by each order entry there is a command in customer to achieve that.
In the same div there should be a button for a form. This form will have a complete button which will mark it as complete
Each order entry should display the contents of their order, the quantity, and the customer name.
I believe those would be the minimum requires for such an entry.
Protect unwanted users from breaking into our employee portal and ruining the beautiful database.
Leads to an employee portal.jsp which will provide the following options
The last major hurdle of functionality we need before the storm of CSS and diagrams. This servlet should be locked behind the employee role and handle redirecting the user to the respective JSP pages. We need the following two jsp pages:
Tray management:
Add that tray to the currently baking trays
Inventory Management:
I believe those would be the minimum requires for such an entry.